Seeing him

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Hermione opened the letter and read aloud cause she couldn't contain her excitement

Hello Hermione,
It has been a long time seens I have spoken to you without an insult at least.. I'm truly sorry about all the insults that I said actually at school, i really didn't mean them.. I am now working at a wand shop " The Infigurate's" business is booming with the start of term coming.
I would like to meet you for a coffee at The Three Broomsticks tomorrow at 8pm if you would like, so I can explain myself a little.
Reply as soon as possible, Draco Malfoy.

" Wow " is all Hermione could say .. She gave a little giggle and couldn't quite believe that he had replied to her, and actually wanted to meet for a coffee.
She scrabbled off her bed and sat down at her desk, pulled out a quill and wrote on the back of his paper

Sounds great.

Hermione didn't think that much else needed to be said.
So now the dilemma was should she tell Ginny or keep it to herself and see what Draco had to say for himself?

After a long time thinking over and over about the question she was asking herself she thought it would be a good idea to get to bed since it was 3 am..

Late that morning Hermione lay awake in her bed, she had decided that she would not tell Ginny, even though Ginny was her best friend and always will be she wanted to keep it to herself, Hermione was worried that everyone thought that she was mad to go and see him, everyone thought he now was a death eater and had followed his fathers footsteps.. But Hermione had trusted her dream and was going to give him a try since she had been dreaming about him so much.

" oh hello Love "
" hello Mrs Weasley how are you?"
"Grand just grand ! Arthur has just got a promotion !!" Said the lovely mrs Weasley with a big smile on her face and rosy cheeks.

"Facing you here at the three broomsticks ! I thought you would be at the leaky cauldron, it is closer to you?"
" I, oh .. I fancied a change and I'm meeting a friend.. " Hermione replied
" ah well have a lovely time I'm just going but I shall see you later" mrs Weasley got up and gave Hermione a kiss on the cheek and left.

Well she must not know about Ron then, she seemed quite happy..

Hermione looked at her watch and saw that it was now precisely 8 pm, she looked up and saw this tall blonde striking young man that walked in threw the doors, he was wearing a black tee shirt with blue trousers and polished shoes, he looked wonderful.

" Hello Hermione granger " said Draco Malfoy.

Hermione smiled back and said hello.

Well that's all I can do for now guys I'm sorry I haven't updated but I have been having some family issues. But now it's the holidays and I will be able to write more.
Love you guys and keep on commenting it makes me so happy! 😘😘😍😍❤️❤️

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