The Letter

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Hermione woke with a start as Ginny poked her over and over again until she would wake, today was going to be a good day she said to herself.

"Morning Ginny!' Hermione said in a bright happy voice

" morning, I was just trying to wake you up because I've got to go and get back to Harry."

"Ok, I'll walk you out.."

The two girls got up and walked out of the cozy living room and into the hallway and out the door. Hermione closed the door behind her and gave Ginny a hug and wishing her a safe travel back to her house.

Once Hermione was back in her own home she set herself to so books and researched the dentists in Australia the last place she left the in the name of Granger.

A few hours later she had a list of 23 dentists of the last name Granger.

"Well that's not to bad is it, it should only take us about a week to go threw them all, I mean we've got to start somewhere don't we?" Hermione often had little chats to herself so that she new that it was a good idea or plan..

It was about a couple of hours later when Hermione thought of a brilliant idea or a really silly one.. She was making some tea when she had this brilliant idea..
She has been having all these dreams about Draco and yet she never thought about the meaning of them, she was obviously Draco's girlfriend in these dreams...
She wondered what if she sent a letter to Draco, if the worse will happen he would not reply and laugh to himself or either the better will happen and he has actually change and may want to meet her for a coffee.

Hermione grabbed a sheet of parchment and a quill and began to write .. She couldn't find the words to explain the dreams or even why she was writing to him, so after a few scraped pieces of parchment she finally finish and read the letter out to herself.

- Draco,
I know that at school we weren't the best of friends, but I have been having dreams about you, I have no idea why? But in my dreams you are a changed man, you are lovely person and we are actually quiet good friends. I know this must sound absolutely ludicrous but I would really like to meet up with you.
Please send me a letter as soon as possible
Hermione Granger

That should do it she said folding the parchment and sealing the letter.
She was just about to get up and go down to the owl post office when she realized she didn't have the foggiest idea what his address was !

Hermione got a book (the answer for everything ) ADDRESSES WIZARDING COMMUNITY, she pulled out her wand and tap lightly the book and said " Draco Malfoy" the book opened and a bright shining light emerged from the pages, the pages flicked threw at top speed and finally settled on a page with Draco Malfoys address on it.

Hermione copied down the address on the front of the envelope and set of towards the owl post.

When Hermione walked into the owl post office there was a lot of screeching and flapping of wings. There was about 3 people in the office and 1 of them was the manager. There was owls of all sorts of size, breeds and different colours, attached to there legs were different colored tags. The tags represented the speed of the owl for example orange signified slow which would take up to a week, bleu would take about 3 days and violet could be delivered the same day.

" Helloooo Madame " said the manager with a very long hello.

"Evening!" Hermione replied with a weak smile

The manager had a pink moustache and orange hair it was quiet hard not to laugh

"Which owl would you desire miss"
" oh um.. Could I have the fastest owl you've got please, I'm in quiet a hurry to get an answer from the letter"

The manager raised his wand and shouted " accio Jemima " a beautiful black owl with white spots came zooming over to the little man.

" Letter please" the manager said with a happy smile and bouncing on the balls of his feet.

Hermione handed over the letter, the man attached the letter to the Owls leg and said
"Off you go then" and the owl swooped out of the shop and out into the evening air.

"Right, the letter should be at your house this evening I should hope, that will be 3 galleons please"

Hermione passed the man the money and bedded him goodnight.

She returned home and flicked her wand towards the saucepans and one came filled itself with water and placed its self on the stove. Hermione sat down and read her book while she waited for her water to boil.
She then ate her dinner and got ready for bed it was already quiet late just as she was about to climb into bed, the beautiful owl she had sent just a few hours ago was pecking on the window. Hermione walked over to the window opened it and unattached the letter and gave the owl a stroke before he flew away.

She looked at the letter and in a pretty long flowy writing it said " Hermione Granger, Diagon alley 12 house" Hermione smiled to herself she was really excited to see the answer. She turned over the letter and opened the sealed envelope.

Voilà! Hope you enjoyed it vote and comment please
Love all those who read this book! 🎉🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌴🌺💘🍉

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