Chapter 863

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At that moment, Willa's sixth sense was as strong as Karen's. She was no stranger to that feeling.

After all, she had died once before.

The peaceful feeling she currently experienced was even stronger than the last time.

Because last time, on the plane, Adriana's bodyguard had been slightly stronger than Willa.

The feeling back then was completely different from what she was experiencing at the moment.

Therefore, she knew that the person who had come to assassinate them was definitely not that bodyguard, but someone else.

It might be one of the strongest bodyguards in the Whitlock family. "I sense him coming!" "I feel it too!"

The two of them spoke at the same time. The sixth sense that they shared told them that the person they were waiting for, was there.

Their beautiful eyes exchanged a glance. Instantly, the atmosphere became solemn.

The person they were about to meet was definitely the strongest opponent they had ever encountered in their entire lives.


The two of them had a calm expression on their faces. If they died, then so be it.

It wasn't like it was their first time doing it.

"Right, I'll take it here, and you, there!" With that, Black Rose carried her sniper rifle away.


Willa and Black Rose split up.

Behind a tree, Black Rose quickly assembled a sniper rifle. Her sixth sense guided her to point her gun towards a certain location.

Willa also had a gun.

With her bare hands, she would not be a match for her potential killer. That was why she had to use a gun.

She had prepared for an ambush at the sniping point. Bang!

Black Rose was the first to pull the trigger.

Fire erupted from the muzzle, and a fiery bullet flew out. Boom! She shot into the grass!

However, it was completely silent. Terrifyingly so.

Black Rose launched another bullet. Had she not hit anything?

Black Rose was cautious. She had never encountered a situation like that. What did it prove?

It proved that that person was too powerful. Boom!

Willa's sixth sense told her to shoot another direction! The bullets were fired. However!

She shot into thin air as well.

After a few rounds of bullets, they had not forced anyone to come out. The atmosphere was so tense that the air almost solidified.

All of a sudden, a very soft chuckle rang out from nowhere. "Oh, why are there two people?" "A woman?"

The voice bewildered both Black Rose and Willa. Was it really a woman who had assassinated Karen? Based on her voice, she was in her thirties at most. Was that even possible?

"Let me analyse. The one who made the first shot, your accuracy with a gun is good, but if you can't find the target, it's a waste. But, there aren't many with marksmanship like yours, so who could it be? Let me think. Oh, is it the number one killer, Black Rose? It's you, right?"

Her laughter echoed in the air. Black Rose's heart sank. That voice was strange to her.

She had never met that person before.

Yet that woman knew her like the back of their hand. "That's right, it's me!" Black Rose answered coldly.

"It's really you? That's a pity. Why are you helping her? I haven't planned to kill you yet! Do you want to die that badly?"

"The fact that you can hide from me right now is evidence of your meticulous thought process. More importantly, you would find out that Willa and I met by following our tracks. When the time comes, you will still kill me!" replied Black Rose.

"Why are you so smart? You've said it well! When I came, I suddenly found another set of footprints. I would have followed those footprints to look for you because I really don't like when people discover my projects! Willa, it's you who fired the third shot!"

"Yes, it's me. Did you assassinate Auntie Karen?" Willa's beautiful eyes were ice-cold.

Her eyes were also scarlet and moist. It was the person who had killed her mentor, Karen.

It was her!

"Not bad! I was the one who assassinated Karen. My plan was pretty good, wasn't it?" The killer laughed.

"Willa, I never paid attention to you. The fact that you can make preparations in advance means that you already know who sent me here, don't you?"

"Yes, it's Adrianna!"

"You're pretty good yourself," said the killer, sneering. "You guessed it! So why didn't you seize this time to tell Chuck? Why?"

"Are you trying to trick me? Chuck doesn't know anything now! You can just kill me, don't touch him!"

The very mention of Chuck stirred Willa's fury. Everything about Chuck was her bottom line.

"Hmph, I can't kill him. I haven't received any orders from Miss Yeager yet! However, both of you may be smart, but you two are kind of trashy! Alright, you're not kind of trashy, you're really trashy! You want to deal with me through a trap like this? Really, you looked down on me too much!"

All of a sudden!

A bullet flew out of nowhere. Bang!

It seemed to have hit something. Then, there was a rumbling sound. Something planted in the ground had been triggered. Then, a bomb exploded! A thick cloud of smoke filled the air.

Willa was shocked by the turn of events. Her elaborate plan had been destroyed by a single bullet.

Black Rose was equally shocked.

In that instant, she knew what the outcome would be.

The thick smoke spread around, and their visibility was reduced. It was like a thick fog.

''I'm an expert in assassination. I set up traps like yours when I was ten. Don't you think you're trash for only being as skilled as I was at ten? Alright, next up, I'm going to send you two pieces of trash down to hell!"

All of a sudden, a figure appeared in the smoke.

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