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The grand mansion was alive with the buzz of conversation, laughter echoing through its opulent halls. It was one of those lavish family gatherings where relatives and friends mingled freely, creating an atmosphere of warmth and celebration.

In the midst of this bustling scene, Lee Y/n stood out like a beacon of girlish charm amidst the crowd. Her wrists jangled with bracelets, earrings catching the glimmer of chandeliers, a hint of soft lipstick framing her smile, and her eyes held a mischievous glint beneath perfect eyeliner.

 Her wrists jangled with bracelets, earrings catching the glimmer of chandeliers, a hint of soft lipstick framing her smile, and her eyes held a mischievous glint beneath perfect eyeliner

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But hidden beneath this polished exterior, a rebel stirred. With a sly grin, she slipped away from the main hall, her anklet chiming softly with each step.

Her destination? Her father's wardrobe, the grail of secrets, hidden within the folds of neatly hung clothes. As she tiptoed through the dimly lit hallway, Y/n feel a thrill of excitement.

Carefully, she opened the wardrobe door, the scent of her father's cologne mingling with the musty smell of old clothes. Amongst the neatly arranged shirts and suits, her fingers found what she was looking for - a pack of cigarettes tucked away in a suit pocket.

Just as she was about to make her escape, the ringtone of her phone cut through the air, startling her.

With a quick glance around to ensure she was still alone, she answered, her voice hushed and urgent.

"Yes, I got your bribe," she panicked. "Your dearest cigarettes are now in my possession, safe. But seriously, I'll be dead if someone finds out... okay, okay, fine....  I'm on my way, hold on."

With that, she ended the call and dashed down the stairs, the anklet on her leg adding a musical rhythm to her hurried steps.

Outside the grand mansion, her friend Sarah was waiting, a mischievous smirk on her face. "Took you long enough," she teased, eyes sparkling with amusement.

Y/n rolled her eyes, a playful scolding tone in her voice. "Oh, hush, Sarah. Tomorrow's headline will read 'Two Girls Found Dead from Mischief and Mayhem'."

Sarah laughed, a melodious sound that filled the night air. "You're such a coward, Y/n. Chill out, nobody's going to find out."

Y/n smirked, her eyes dancing with mischief. "Says the soon-to-be perfect daughter-in-law. What if your future mother-in-law catches you sneaking around like this? Enjoying a different party"

Sarah feigned a dramatic gasp, her hand flying to her chest. "Oh, the horror! Only a few days left of my freedom," she mockingly wailed.

Y/n couldn't help but chuckle at her friend's theatrics. "Alright, alright, you've earned it," she relented, pulling out a cigarette from the pack and handing it to Sarah.

But Sarah wasn't done teasing yet. "And what about you, Miss Rebel? What if your dear dad catches you with the love of your life - screwdriver, nut bolts, and what was that bottle opener kind?"

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