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Y/N walked back into the lab, her heart heavy and her mind in turmoil. She glanced around at the students, all of them immersed in their work, the hum of machines and low murmurs filling the room. Her mind raced, struggling to figure out how to save herself from the mess that was heading her way.

As she approached her desk, she saw Taehyung already working on the assignment, his focus sharp. Y/N silently put on her rubber gloves, trying to push away the thoughts of her father and Seojoon. She didn't know what to do next.

Taehyung, sensing her return, didn't miss the chance to throw another sarcastic comment her way. "Oh, you're back?" he smirked. "You should've talked a little longer; this assignment's almost done anyway. Or, better yet, call your friend and discuss the latest fashion trends. Looks like you could use that more," he said, scanning her up and down with a mocking smile.

Y/n's OOTD:

Y/N felt a wave of frustration bubble up inside her, too overwhelmed to tolerate another word from him

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Y/N felt a wave of frustration bubble up inside her, too overwhelmed to tolerate another word from him. In a swift, heated move, she grabbed the screwdriver out of Taehyung's hand. "Shut up," she snapped, her voice cold with fury. "I'll finish this now."

Taehyung raised an eyebrow, clearly entertained by her reaction. "Ooh, looks like someone's in a bad mood. What happened? Your boyfriend not giving you enough attention?" His smirk grew wider, pushing her buttons with ease.

Without a second thought, Y/N pointed the screwdriver directly at him. "Before I finish this machine, should I screw your filthy mouth shut?"

Her voice was sharp, her patience long gone. She was done with his teasing, done with everything.

For a split second, Taehyung was silent, his eyes locking with hers. Then, instead of being intimidated, he chuckled softly. "Aggressive, aren't we?" he murmured, amusement dancing in his gaze. "I didn't realize you had that in you."

Y/N clenched the tool tighter in her hand, her knuckles turning white as she glared at him. "Don't push me."

"Too late," he replied with a smirk, leaning back casually.

Meanwhile, at the table next to Y/N and Taehyung, Bong-cha, the same junior girl Y/N had encountered in the morning, was struggling with her assignment. Her partner, Jihu, called out to her, "Hey Bong-cha, what are you doing? That's not the right way to screw up this machine."

Bong-cha shot him a glare, clearly irritated. "You shut up, Jihu. Ugh, I'm already stuck with you, someone who's good for nothing. I wish I'd been partnered with someone useful, like the class topper," she said, her gaze shifting to Taehyung, who was too busy bickering with Y/N to notice. Frustrated, Bong-cha shouted out loud in his direction, before storming out of the class, catching the attention of all the students, including Taehyung and Y/N.

Ignoring the commotion, Y/N focused on assembling the machine. Meanwhile, Taehyung took the opportunity to move over to Jihu's table. He clapped a hand on Jihu's shoulder and said, "Bro, how can you let your guard down like that in front of a girl? Looks like you need some help. Let me show you how it's done."

Taehyung quickly took over, demonstrating the proper use of tools to fix the machine. While explaining, he occasionally glanced over at Y/N, who was still absorbed in her work, carefully assembling their own machine.

A few minutes later, Bong-cha returned to the lab, her mood completely shifted as she noticed Taehyung at her desk.

Beaming with excitement, she hurried over, holding out a water bottle

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Beaming with excitement, she hurried over, holding out a water bottle. "Oppa, do you need some water? You must be tired," she offered in a sweet, fake voice.

Taehyung gave her a stern look but continued working with Jihu, ignoring her advances. The machine was almost done, and Taehyung left the final touches to Jihu. Bong-cha, still trying to get his attention, thanked him in her sugary voice. Taehyung finally glanced at her and asked with mild irritation, "I didn't see your name on the list for this class. Are you sure you belong here?"

Not catching the hint, Bong-cha shyly replied, "Yes, oppa. I'm a scholarship student, so our list is different. Plus, you know there are reserved seats for us."

Taehyung mentally facepalmed, regretting the conversation. He quickly shifted his focus back to Y/N, but when his eyes landed on her, they widened in shock. Without a second thought, he rushed over to her, yelling, "Stop!"

Y/N, who had two wires in her hand—one black and one red—looked up at him, annoyed. "Now what?" she asked, completely unaware of the danger she was in.

"Don't connect those!" Taehyung shouted, his voice urgent.

"What are you trying to do, Y/N?" Taehyung's voice was sharp, eyes narrowed. "If you connect that red wire, it'll blow up this whole damn lab."

Y/N glanced at him, her frustration bubbling up. "It's not even connected, Kim!" she snapped, holding up the wires to show him.

Taehyung exhaled impatiently, stepping closer. "See? I already connected it," he pointed out, gesturing to the wire setup on the machine. "You should've checked before messing around."

Before Y/N could argue further, Prof. Patrik walked back into the lab, his voice carrying over the hum of machines. "Alright, students, time's up. Leave your machines as they are, and I'll evaluate your work for the final scores."

Taehyung's jaw clenched as he turned to Y/N, his voice low and filled with annoyance. "This is all because of you, Y/N. I could've finished our assignment ages ago if you hadn't interfered."

Y/N, still holding the wires, shot him a glare. "Don't blame me for your lack of time management."

Taehyung gritted his teeth, but Prof. Patrik's presence kept him from snapping back. Instead, he muttered under his breath, "Next time, just let me handle it."

Y/N, not one to back down, threw a quick retort, "Who gonna partner with you next time?"

As the students and Professor Patrik filtered out of the room, Taehyung slung his backpack over his shoulder, giving Y/N one last, lingering glance before stepping out. His expression was unreadable, but the tension between them still hung in the air.

Y/N let out a long breath, realizing she was the only one left in the lab. The machines sat idle, wires dangling from unfinished assignments. She looked around, her eyes landing on the switchboard. After a moment's hesitation, she walked over and flicked off all the lights and fans, the room descending into an eerie silence.

Returning to her desk, Y/N's gaze fell on the red wire Taehyung had warned her about. She picked it up, his sharp words playing in her mind: "It will blast this whole damn lab."

She twirled the wire between her fingers, almost as if testing fate. Then she connected the red wire to the machine.

The soft click of the connection seemed to echo in the now-empty room.

Y/N grabbed her bag, slung it over her shoulder, and left the lab without looking back, leaving behind a ticking machine.



QQ > What this girl tryna do?

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