Part 1 - Prequel

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These parts will be dedicated towards Yui's mother and father :3

As she chases the ball with her twin, Fumiko giggles. She giggles relentlesly, as should an 8 year old. She ran alongside her sister, Fuyuki, who made sure not to lose her. After all, she was the more mature of the two. Suddenly the collar of her cheap kimono latched onto a branch, and before she could do anything, Fumiko was gone.

The girl hadn't yet realised she'd lost her sister. She was way too occupied pursuing her only plaything that by the time she had looked up proudly, her surroundings changed drastically.

A crowd gathering with a vase walk space, on which trotted the oiran alongside her helpers. Adorned in layers upon layers of clothing, her walk was as slow as that of the song of a well known bird Fumiko listened to. Multiple valuable ornaments decorated her silky hair which was neatly tied in a tradition "horn" like appearance.

- 'xcuse me, who's that lady over there? - Fumiko tugged on one of the crowdspeople sleeves, trying not to drop her temari.

- That, young lady, is Warabihime Oiran. She's going to see her next customer. Some say, this man will be her husband. - Whispered the lady. - Are you lost, sweetheart?

- Mhmm, I was just playing and then- Fumiko started, but got cut off.

- Oh, I doubt that your family could find you here, but I can let you stay at the ogimoto house. - offered the old lady, pulling out a piece of candy as a counter to Fumiko's resistance. - Oh the nights are cold here, you'll freeze if you don't come...

- b, but...

- The girls will love you there, you're just so sweet, and in the ripe age of becoming an oiran! Tell me, sweety, do you wanna be as pretty as that lady?

The lady, ogimoto house's director, took Fumiko to the entertainment house, where all the ladies fauned over how adorable she was and how Madam always had a keen eye on treasures.

Throughout the years, learnt basic housekeeping, and played the shamisen, although, not that good.

Soon enough, she forgot about the abduction by the Madam. Her family had became these courtesans. Madam Kotsuyoshi never revealed the circumstances of Fumiko finding herself as one of the kamuro in yoshiwara.

Her getaway story was of a young woman at the Ogimoto house giving birth to a customers child, placing the care of her to Madam and ending her life.

Fumiko, at the age of 14 was now working in the ogimoto house, instead of being a kamuro, she was an entertainer, promoting the house. That's when she met Hikari.

Hikari, a 16 year old, had stumbled upon the ogimoto house as a result of his mindless walk after a rather cruel argument with his family.

Hikari's family, a wealthy group of Japanese businessmen, wanted their son to marry another rich and influencial family's daughter.

Hikari himself was of the belief arranged marrages for social status were foolish.

Hikari didn't want to spend the rest of his life with a woman whom he didn't love, but he didn't have a choice.

This night's exclusive offer intrigued him, and so he stepped in and wandered, looking for someone unoccupied.

Through the doorframe, Fumiko's beautiful, nightsky-like eyes drew him in, and he fell.


The same doorframe which allowed him to gaze upon this lovely lady decided to play a trick on him, lifting the step so he fell. Or that was just his imagination since he was so occupied on not breaking eye contact.

- Sir, are you okay? - She knelt down.

- yes, yes, I'm fine

Fumiko and Hikari spent the whole night challenging eachother to play the shamisen, olay traditional games and such. As other rooms burst in drunken laighter and songs, theirs was no different, apart from the alcohol, of course. As the sin lazily rises and the birds prepared their vocal cords for the day, the two agreed on meeting up soon.

- Mr. Tomikame?...

- Yes?

- I could bet my humble salary that the other ladies can entertain much better, please don't hold yourself back by spending the night with me...

- Oh, Miss Kagome, you're excellent at keeping me company, the other ladies remind me of my fiancé...


Some say at night lurks a demonic presence, killing fine ladies for breakfast. Everybody knows someone who knows someone else who saw some humanoid creature hunting using a peculiar whip-like weapon.

Fumiko was unfazed. She hadn't seen anything in all the nights her customers payed her a visit by the window opening to a view of the dark part of the city. Stories like that never chilled her in the least. Through the crowd emerged her well known 'friend'.

- Fumiko! Fumiko!

- Hikari, what are you doing? You're going to freeze! Come in!

- I can't. I don't care, Fumiko, I... My family wants me to get married tomorrow.

- Oh, that's excellent! Madam always says marriages are magical!

- No, no, I don't like her. I like you. Fumiko, my love. Ever since I layed my eyes on you my heart screams for your company. Life wouldn't make sense without you.

- B-but I can't leave just like that, you know you have to pay madam so that you can have me.

- Commit kakeochi! Please, let's run away together! I want to leave my past behind! Listen, we're gonna have a house and kids and work and love. And we will get magically married, Fumiko, MARRIED!!!

- Hmmm... - Fumiko contemplated. She thought of the Madam as a mother, she wouldn't dare to betray her. - Alright, I'll go with you!

- You serious?!

- To the end of the world I'll follow you, Hikari. My heart belongs to you.

The room in which she had stayed was left spotless, if not for the subtle scent of her. Fumiko didn't dare to steal the hairpin she got as a gift. Though she did take some food.

Her escape day was on her 15'th birthday.

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