Part 7 - Mt. Fujikasane

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- Kagome-san, Come here. - Said miss Kyoukomurasaki, standing in the door of her humble hut.

Yui no longer had eye bags, nor did she have 'dead' eyes. Her hair was longer, reaching about half ger back. She had grown a bit, and her muscles were prominent.

- Yes, sensei? - She walked up.

- Come in, dear, I must tell you something.

- What is it?

- You're ready for final selection.

- Final selection? What is that?

- You will have to spend a couple days on a mountain with demons, make sure not to die.

- Oh, is that so?

- Yes. - She got up and took something out of her cabinet. - Take this, you will also get new clothes and a new sword. - She gave Yui a lightning-shaped hairclip with matching earrings.

- New clothes? D-does that mean I'll have to get rid of these?!

- No, no, it's just that, you surely don't want to ruin your clothes, right?

- Of course...

Kagome got dressed into a dark, muddy purple outfit and darker, yet same muddy purple hakama pants. On her belt she carried a sword with a solid tsuba, and she threw her hair in a messy bun, as it can now get in her way during combat.

With some onigiris packed and a vague description of where to go, Yui set off to final selection, but...

- YUI! Don't lose yourself and starve just like you did last time! - Miss Kyoukomurasaki shouted with a cheerful smile. Yuki has been using these paths for 6 years, there's no way she would get lost.


~This odd mountain, covered in wisteria, how come it's blooming out of season? Anyways, it is really pretty here...~

She got there early, watching swordman after swordsman enter. As there were about 20-30 of them, two odd children started talking. They were explaining the rules, completing each other's sentences and behaving very... disconnected?

- Thank you for attending the Demon Slayer's Final Selection tonight. - They said at the same time.

- Here on Mt. Fujikasane... - Started the black haired twin.

- ...the demon slayers have captured a number of demons alive. They are unable to leave. - Finished the white haired twin.

- That is because wisteria, which demons hate so much, bloom year-round from halfway down the mountain. - Explained the black haired one.

-  However, they don't grow from this point onward, thus there will be demons about. - Interesting how their voices are so similar. Yun and Tsumugi's voices were somewhat different, but after all, these are two twin girls...

- To pass the Final Selection, you will need to survive here for seven days.

- And now, be on your way. - They both said, ending their speech with a high bow.


~ Gods, this training is easy. Haven't gotten a scratch while others are out here dying. Thanks sensei Kyoukomurasaki! ~ She thought to herself, running through the forrest towards the east for sunrise to happen the earliest, ending demons as they jump out.


When a group of demons charge at her, wanting to prove to one another how superior they are after learning this newbie is talented, she did get hit.

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