Chapter 2- Return to Hell

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"Here." Mum dangles a pair of car keys in front of me. "I was told that you got your license when you were away, so I got you a car."

She what? "You didn't have to do that. Thank you!" I hug her as best as I can with one arm.

"Now you can drive to school." Oh yeah. School. The place I had been dreading to return to. "Now I have some rules before you go. You must call me if you don't plan on coming home straight away. I expect you to tell me your location and what time you are coming home. If you are out then I expect a call every hour."

"Every hour!" I exclaim.

"Yes, honey. I don't want to you going back to your old ways. I am just trying to do what's best for you."

I internally roll my eyes. She doesn't trust me. I mean I get it. Last time I wasn't exactly the most trustworthy person. But I have changed. I guess it is just going to take some getting used to having a parent again.

"Fine." I sigh. "Anything else?" please say no.

"Yes. Curfew is at 9pm on school nights and 11pm on the weekend." She instructs me.

"What?! Mum that is ridiculous." I was going to be a prisoner in my own home.

"If you obey all my rules and earn back my trust then I can extend curfew. Also no parties. I don't want you hanging with the wrong crowd. And no sleeping over unless I speak to a parent." God, these rules are going to be annoying.

"Okay, fine." I agree.

"Good." She smiles. "Now off to school. You don't want to be late for you first day." I groan, grabbing the keys and my bag I get to the car.

It was a lot nicer and newer than I expected. It was a shiny red convertible. I had been home a week and it has been two weeks since the attack. So luckily, my shoulder was a lot better. The heavy bandage that was wrapped around my shoulder is now gone with just a dressing to protect the stitches. My arm was still in a cast though which was going to make it tricky to drive. I was allowed to take off my sling for short periods of time but I had to make slow careful movements. Taking off my sling I put the top of the car down and drive to school, remembering the route I use to take every day.

I pull up at school and turn off the engine. I start to feel my heart pounding and my hands sweaty with nerves. I stall by checking my reflection in the mirror one last time. I looked very different from the last time I was here. Healthier, now that I wasn't constantly drinking or getting high of drugs my face didn't look as pale and tired as it use too. I also look older. I could easily pass for 21. My body was more toned under my tight, white ripped skinny jeans and my oversized, off the shoulder, light blue knitted sweater. I only put a bit of mascara and lip gloss on, no longer caking on the makeup like I did when I was younger. My hair was lighter too. I dyed it about a month ago making my hair a lighter brown colour rather than the natural dark brunette colour.

I take a deep breath, pulling myself together before walking back into the place I called hell.

Already having been given my schedule and information, I walk down the halls that are so familiar to me. I notice people watching me intently. Probably wondering what I am doing here. It is mid-October so I have started the year late. Most of the students I went to school with are long gone. Only my year, the seniors, are familiar to me. I recognise people's faces and a few names here and there. Whispers get louder between the seniors as they begin to recognise me. I had quite the reputation for a freshman. I have been known as the junkie, the party animal, the slut, the nerd, the loner and god knows what else. This year I just want to stay invisible, get through the year, get better and then convince Mr Blackthorn to let me back into the SSF.

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