Chapter 3- Truths and Lies

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"Honey, are you sure you will be fine on your own?" Mum asks me for the billionth time this week.

"Yes! Now go!" I push her out the front door.

Mum is an executive assistant for some company, and is sent to places frequently to check things out for her boss and a bunch of other things. She travelled less after dad died but I guess she picked it up again when I left. Her boss really needs her to go to Chicago for some business meeting but mum was reluctant to leave me alone. They only reason I managed to convince her to leave was because I hadn't broken a single rule she made the since I got here three weeks ago. I never went out and spent most of my time in my room trying to find any leads of Ghost.

As soon as I see that mum's car is gone, I grab my keys and get in my car. It is Thursday and I should be going to school but I hacked into mum's account and emailed the school, telling them I was sick and wouldn't be in today. It is the first time that I have broken mum's trust since I got here.

I drive for an hour, arriving in Washington DC. I drive up to the security entrance and show them my ID before they let me through. Finally I arrive at the place I have called home for the past six months. The SSF Headquarters. I punch in the codes in the keypad next to the door that links the underground car park to one of the lower levels of the building.

Most of the HQ is underground and is fifteen storeys high from ground level. The whole building is very modern and has hundreds of cameras hidden everywhere which is monitored by at least two people 24/7. I get into the elevator and proceed to my usual floor. Except when I press my thumb to the scanner, it blinks red instead of its usual green. Ugh, for fuck sake. Mr Blackthorn must have removed my access. I find my mini screw driver and with the help if a hair pin, I pop open the scanner to see all the connecting wires. Making a few alterations, I screw it back in place and then put my thumb over the scanner again. This time it flashes green and the elevator rises.

The doors ping open and I storm straight into Mr Blackthorn's office where he is standing expectably.

"I will have to let someone know about the scanner's having a weakness." He says knowingly. He was watching me. Of course. I wouldn't expect anything less of him.

"Why did you lock me out?" I ask fuming.

"Because you no longer work here." He says simply.

"You know that this is my life!" I yell at him, frustrated that he stands there so calmly. "You can't just offer it to me and then change your mind less than a year later!"

He keeps a straight face but I can see it in his eyes that he knows I have a point. It is another one of my talents. Reading people. Spending all that time alone growing up meant that I spent a lot of time people watching.

"I can do what I want." Ugh. Just when I thought I was getting through to him.

"You need me." I argue.

"No. I don't. I have plenty of other agents at my disposal."

"But none of which are as good as me." I say smugly. I am not arrogant. I know it is true. Most of his agents cant to half the stuff I can. And because of my age no one ever suspects me. I have never failed a mission. I am his greatest asset and he knows it. "So this time I am here to offer you a deal."

For the first time during this whole conversation his face is no longer blank but shows signs of curiosity. "And what do you propose?"

"I will stop doing missions until I graduate. You keep me in the loop about what is going on. Especially the Ghost Case. And let me continue working after graduation." He continues standing there, pondering the offer I have given him. He is worried about me getting hurt. But I am practically and adult. And I can take care of myself. If having to wait a few more months until school is over and I am legally an adult will help him feel better then fine. I will wait. But I need to know what's going on and what their plan is to find Ghost. The thought of him out there still disturbs me and it isn't exactly easy to sleep at night when you know there is a creepy guy out there trying to murder you.

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