Chapter 3: Family Dinner

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With her sister's support and determination, Autumn pulled into Westside Fertility Clinic a week later. Stepping into the lobby, she filled out paperwork and was called to the back an hour later.

"Mrs. Peterson?" Autumn shook her doctor's hand. "I'm Doctor Mya. If you can follow me into the exam room." Stepping into the clear white room, posters of information about fertility, pregnancy and more were plastered on the wall.

Shifting uneasily, she turned to the doctor. "So, what happens now?"

"Well right now, we're just going to run through a few things. Family history, setting up bloodwork, things like that." She sat down in front of Autumn. "You mention on your paperwork that your family had to use IVF before. Can you talk to me about that?"

"Well, my sister never wanted kids because the doctor they went to told them that they wouldn't be able to have kids since she struggled with her cycle. When she got married though, they decided to try and another fertility doctor basically told them it would be impossible since she was forty at the time."

"I see." The doctor folded her arms. "And how are you if I may ask?"

"I'll be turning thirty."

"And I'm assuming you heard thirty is the magic age for children?" Autumn hesitated before she nodded. "Yeah."

"While there is some truth based on studies, one thing I like to remind my patients is that every pregnancy and body is different. I had some perfectly normal births with fifty year old patients and had some high risks at twenty five.As long as you're willing to do what you can to make sure you and your baby are healthy then that's all you can really do."

Autumn's shoulders dropped in relief. "So, you think everything will be fine?"

"While I can't say that exact, once we finish the exams and get a blood work situation then you should have a nice idea of what's to come. There are also the side effects of the medication we should go over in due time."

The doctor smiled. It was a warm reassuring smile. "But rest assured Mrs. Peterson, we will do everything we can to make sure you get your family."


"Alright, I brought you some ginger ale and some saltine crackers."

Lifting her arm from her eyes, Autumn smiled gratefully at her sister. "Thanks." Heather placed the drink and crackers on the table before she sat on the edge of the couch. "Alright, give me the details. Am I getting a new niece or nephew?"

"Not yet." Autumn pushed herself up. Her stomach churned at the sudden movement, causing her to press against the loud organ. Ugh. She held up a hand at her sister's worried look. "I'm fine. I'm fine. The doctor said I might be nauseous for a while."

"And how long will that last?"

"Just until I get my first cycle done."

"And when is that?"

"They couldn't fit me in until the first Saturday in August." She sighed. "So, I got a few days to...what?" She frowned at her sister's widened eyes. "What's wrong?"


"Heather." Autumn frowned. "Something is clearly bothering you."

"Well, it's just..." She hesitated. "I was planning on having my engagement party that day." An engage-

"Kyle proposed!" Autumn cried before she frantically whacked her sister's arms. "Why didn't you tell me this sooner?" At her sister's laugh, Autumn hit her harder. "Heather, I'm serious! This is amazing news!"

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