Chapter Four

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I hope you guys like your new siblings~ Sorry for the small chapter! I'll make the next one real big for y'all! :3

"C-CHARLETTE!?" You yell, there was no mistaking it, her blonde hair, blue eyes, fashion sense that put even Nami to shame, it was indeed Charlette.

"(Y/N)!" Charlette yells back, you jump forward, and she does too. You feel her collide with you, her tight embrace holding you fast.

"C-Char I thought I lost you when I– is that Barney too!?" You look up and spot your brother, Barnabas, his brown hair flutters in the wind, and jumps down to join in the hug.

"Hey Nami!" From the corner of your eye you see a woman with purple hair jump off to hug your orange haired friend.

"Nojiko!" Nami yelps, and joins in a hug. Sanji seemed to have gone into cardiac arrest from the sudden arrival of all the women, and didn't waste a moment fawning over them.

"NOJIKO-CHAN! CHARLETTE-CHAN!" Sanji yells their names with bliss, his eyes going onto hearts and a small nosebleed forming.

"Oh great–" Charlette looks at Sanji with disapproval, as he tried to draw near she raised her finger and formed a wall of– paper?

"What's that?" you ask, amazed at her powers.

"The powers of the Kami Kami No Mi." Charlette tells you with a smile, and then that smile quickly turns into a frown as she hands you to Barnabas, and stalks over to your leader."Listen up, sErGon oF dEaTh– I've got a bone to pick with you." Charlette's tone is pissed and almost rival's Kid's in terms of anger.

"Uh-huh?" Law stands up, twitching his fingers."Please enlighten me, why?"

"Why?" Charlette repeats his question,"WHY?! LISTEN UP, BUCKO, you might be new around here but no one, NO ONE, touches (Y/n) without MY permission! Got it?! I'm her older sister, and as such I'm responsible for keeping her safe, and my sister sense went off FIVE TIMES while she was with you! FIVE TIMES! In the span of a few days!"

"Safe?" Law repeated her words,"Responsible for (Y/n)'s safety? SHE GOT KIDNAPPED AND YOU DID NOTHING, guess who was there for her then? Me. So I don't wanna hear any S*t about asking you permission before touching her." Your cheeks go red at Law's choice of words, and you know you've got to stop them before they tear the whole place down.

"Char! Law! Quit it!" You raise your voice, and they both look at you with annoyed gazes,"Law, she's my oldest sibling, it's normal for her to be protective, and Char, he's my boy fr–" You stop realizing what you said and your next words are faster than Charlette's entrance,"–Boss– I meant boss! Totaly, yep, definitely my boss. Not my boyfriend– AAH! What am I saying, no no no! Nothing more than my leader!" Law looks at you with an even more confused expression than Char, although mission accomplished, they stopped fighting.

"Uh... Ok?" Charlette replies."I don't really understand what that has to do with anything, but I understand what you're trying to say. Anyways–" Charlette hopped onto her monster truck."I heard that you guys were surveying some territory, who's and why?"

"Why do you want to know?" Kid asks, clearly ticked off.

"She's my soon-to-be wife, she'll be here to help." Ace steps in, attempting to release some of the tension.

"Indeed." Charlette smiled."Now answer the question."

"We're surveying the territory near the kingdom Dress Rosa." Kid tells your sister,"We plan to take down Doflamingo, his defeat will lure down Kidao, and then we get him too."

"Clever." Charlette hums,"What's the plan for beating Doflamingo?"

"Depends." Law answers her.

"On what?" She presses, while you shove Barny away, and go to sit down with your gang.

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