Chapter One

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"What's it this time?" A voice from outside the bag asks. You don't appreciate being talked about like an object, but it isn't your choice. You've been kidnapped and, unfortunately, since you live alone, no one was coming to get you.

"I got an interesting one, probably a member of the (L/n) family." Your ears perk up at the motion of your last name. How'd they know?! You think, but before you can continue that train of thought, you're tossed out of the bag and into a large room. It's dusty and looks neglected, other than the fact there are people in it. You're tail tucks in between your legs and your ears pin as you realize who has kidnapped you.

Gang members! You'd scream, but a gag keeps you from making a sound. No wonder these guys seemed to be professionals! It's because they are.

"You're kidding!" The gang member in front of you gasps, he's got blonde hair, and had sunglasses on before he saw you(and ended up taking them off), he also has a strange looking smiley face tattoo with a cross on it."She is a part of the (L/n) family! You can tell, she's got those (f/c) ears and tail." Crud.

"Let's go!" The gang member who tied you up cheers,"Young master has to give us a rise in the rankings for this, then more money for us!"

"And I'll finally get the respect I've always wanted." The blonde replies with a smirk."Come on boys, load her into the car." They are about to knock you out again when a voice stops them.

"You won't be going anywhere with her." The voice tells them, and the statement is followed with a single word:"ROOM!" The room fills with a blue tint, and you watch as a man with a polka dotted hat rushes into the room.

"SHAMBLES!" he calls and swings his sword in the air. Much to your surprise, the gang members are cut into several pieces, while you are teleported outside the building. You sit by a Yellow motorcycle with another gang symbol on it.

Shoot! You think, I've been double kidnapped! You struggle, but the bindings are tight, and there's no way you're getting away in time. There is a large ruckus coming from the house, and a few moments later the man emerges. He's wearing black leather, with polka dotted jeans, and several tattoos on his hands, his hair is a raven black, while his eyes are a mesmeric yellow.

"You're a part of the (L/n)s?" He asks you, although something tells you that he already knows the answer. Despite this you give a small nod."Right, gag." he bends down and unties the gag around your mouth. You cough and gasp for air.

"W-what do you want from me?" You ask, not interested in being interrogated. He gives a disapproving scowl.

"That's all the thanks I get for saving you?" He asks you."I was expecting you to be on your knees thanking me."

"Why would I!?" You snap back."You are practically another kidnapper to me!"

"Oh really?" He asks you crouching down to look you in the eye."And I'm sure the police in the city would be so kind if I were to bring you back. You know as well as I do the bounty the (L/n) family have on their back. If anything I am sparing you. But if you insist then I'll bring you back to the-"

"Wait! No..." You cut him off,"You're right... They would probably kill me on sight... Maybe I could walk to my parents' house!"

"And where is that?" The gang member asks you.

"Uuuum..." You look around and with a sudden realization hits you. I don't know where I am. You think, your ears pinning again."Shoot. I don't know where it is from here. But they live near the forest and desert boundary."

"There would be no way you'd get that far." He tells you."I don't think I introduced myself. I'm Trafalgar Law, but you can call me Law. What's your name?" Law asks you as he unties your bindings.

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