Chapter 1 Rise

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The lands of the clans are nestled in a quaint park in a suburban area with houses and backyards surrounding the park it is a humid day for the clans as we move to the marshs of the park to Mudclan where the cats live in muck and dirt where are story begins. "So today's the day, Turtlesong is finally having her kits" says a tom "yes now will you please leave me be I need to get this moss to Fernseed or I'll be gator food!" exclaimed loudly and annoyingly by Dirtpaw as he rushed past the Tom and headed to the medicine den as he enters, He sees his mentor Fernseed a female medicine cat looking over Turtlesong a pregnant she cat dirtpaw approaches the two shecats and places the moss down as Fernseed motions the pregnant Shecat to lick it to help sooth the pain "thank you Dirtpaw" says Fernseed with a smile as Dirtpaw retorts "well of course who else could do such a fabulous job at bringing moss" he chuckles to himself until the the groaning of pain comes from Turtlesong as she begin to go into labor the medicine cats quickly go to work as they help deliver her kits a few hours pass as things settle down Dirtpaw feels the pride and joy as he watches Turtlesong care for her 2 kits "have you decided to name them yet" Dirtpaw asks eager for an answer Turtlesong looks down at the small kittens one with full white fur and the other more of a brownish mix with a hint of white "the full white one I'll Name him mudkit and the other one she'll be known as tortoisekit" Dirtpaw snickers a little at the name of mudkit but quickly composes himself "well I'm sure they'll be strong warriors they might even be our saviors".

After the birthing 2 moons go by "I almost got you" says mudkit "You can't run from me the greatest hunter in all the clan" I always hate it when tortisekit hides its never any fun, perhaps she's hiding behind Mom I move over to my mother resting. I'll try to be careful not to wake her don't want to get in trouble again "Come on tortoisekit come out wherever you are" I whisper softly as I climb on top of Turtlesong and look around until I get tackled off as torstisekit puts me to the ground "no fair you were hiding!" I yell "doesn't feel good does it mudkit" tortoisekit says while mocking me "What is going on!" Turtlesong exclaimed "great you woke mother up" I say rudely too tortoisekit who in return shoves me we both start getting into scuffle until mother comes to break us up "enough both of you, your family so act like one" she said very sternly we both stop worried about what kind of retribution could await us "you'll never be able to become warriors if you keep getting at each other's throats why not try being patient with one another just like Sparrowfeathers kits" me and my sister both turn too see petalkit and barkkit playing with some cobwebs "but their games are boring mother" tortoisekit says with frown as much as I hate my sister she's right "yeah their no fun" I say backing up my sisters claim "see your already getting along better" mother says with a half smile "I just want you to count on each other, one day I won't be here to help you both and when that day comes I want you both to care for each other." she says losing her smile "okay mama" me and my sister both say as we go over to the kits and begun to play with them.

Four moons pass as the days in the nursery were filled with fun and joy me and my sister got bigger and were getting ready for our apprentice ceremony my sister never seemed more happy she always talked about being a great hunter I was proud. I was waiting outside the nursery while my mom was cleaning up tortoisekit I was looking to the highlog the meeting place where Gatorstar announces the ceremonies and meetings. Tension was building for me as I look for any sign of Gatorstar and then my mother blocked the view "mom can't you see I'm looking for Gatorstar your blocking the view!" My mother seems to ignore my comment and begins to clean me up "now no kit of mine is going to go up to the highlog looking like this" Turtlesong says after giving me a few more strong licks behind the ear, "okay okay" as I peer over my mothers body to see Gatorstar climbing on the highlog as he says "all cats old enough to catch their own prey come to the highlog!" His voice booming across the camp as cats funnel around the log Gatorstar continues "now we all know that the prey has been rough this past moon but we have kept strong and worked hard and even if sunclan decides to expand their border we will prevail, now today's a special day as two of are kits are of age to become an apprentice mudkit and tortoisekit please come here" I began to March up to the log I try my best to swallow the fear in me, as I look to my sister she looks as confident as ever striding up to the log we both sit down in front of Gatorstar as he speaks. "do you mudkit promise to uphold the values of the warrior code and to protect and care for the clan just as starclan intended?" I began to take a deep breath I'm ready "I do" "then by the power invested to me you'll be known as Mudpaw your mentor shall be Longfang" I can't believe my mentor will be Longfang the deputy of the clan, I've never felt so excited. As Longfang approach's I touch my nose with hers and I look to my sister with a smile only to see her face filled with distraught as I hear Gatorstar say "and for you tortoisekit your mentor shall be dirtscar, that'll conclude our ceremony."

The medicine cat that's ridiculous Tortoisepaw should be a warrior I'm surprised she doesn't say anything about this, she touchs noses with dirtscar the grayish cat with a prominent scar on one his eyes looks like a battle wound "so we shall start tomorrow off with a patrol" Longfang says as I jump a little not realizing how distracted I was I nod an agreement "in the meantime get use to the apprentice den" as Longfang points to the den I saunter off their to see the bedding situation. I look inside to see some bedding and 3 cats resting already I look out hoping to see Tortoisepaw I want to tell her everything is gonna be alright but it seems she disappeared after the meeting, ill find her tomorrow as I lay on of the beds and close my eyes eveything will be alright wont it?   

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