Chapter 2 Sunrise

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I wake up to the disruption of the wind and step out of my den, I look out to the dark of the night sunclan seems okay I take a step down from the highrock and walk through camp I see Honeyfur at the front of the camp on guard or at least trying not to look like she about to fall asleep. I creep behind her ready to give her a little wake-up call as I get close I say "lovely night isn't it wouldn't want sleep through this" Honeyfurs eyes perk up after being woken up "yes I mean what...wait Brightstar?" she says confusingly "couldn't sleep and it seems like you needed some help with not falling asleep" I say teasingly, her face flash's with embarrassment "well I'll have you know that I wouldn't mind some company it does gets quite boring sitting here waiting for something to happen" honeyfur says regaining her composure. I take a seat next to her our pelts almost touching I look at her she is an orange-pelted cat with emerald eyes she always looks so, enchanting. "so are we gonna talk or are you going to keep staring" she says with a laugh "sorry" I say turning my head to look at the exit of camp "it's okay how's your mother any sign of her getting better?" honeyfur asks I look down a little sadder than before "yeah she's getting better at least from what Snowear says" I say drooping down a bit my mother had recently gotten fever I heard one of the cats say it must be green cough but I'd rather not believe. I feel a sudden warmth as I look to see honeyfur putting her pelt against mine "It'll be okay you have the clan and me if you ever need to talk" she says so confidently I suppose it's true "Thank you honeyfur I can always count on you" as I say that the clouds begin to part as a dazzling show of stars burst out of the sky I wish this moment could last forever.

As night turns to day the busy work begins as cats begin to shuffle out I prep myself to talk to Spanglecloud about today's patrol I see him come out of the warrior's den a true hero during the 3 moon war he has lots of scars on his body from that bloody conflict I head over to the deputy, "hey Spanglecloud glad to see your awake" I say excitedly "yes well I wouldn't be much of a deputy if I didn't wake in the morning" he says a little more annoyed than joyous "so what's on Schedule" he ask "well I need you to do a patrol on our new borders and to check on the creekclan cats" creekclan was the unfortunate casualty of the 3 moon war their clan was on the brink of destruction so we offer them some our land in exchange for protecting the riverside of sunclans border, Spanglecloud nods "and what about you" he states  "I'm going to help Ratpaw with some chores and take a hunting patrol near the end of the day" I say, Spanglecloud just shakes his head "you really need let Ratpaw learn her lesson" I say nothing and head off to find Ratpaw she's the only apprentice we have at the moment its a lot pressure for her to do good I head over to the apprentice den where Ratpaw is stretching out her body and yawning "good morning Ratpaw you ready for your second day of chores" I say she looks up and quickly stands to attention "uh...of course Brightstar always ready" she says stammering a little, I motion her to follow me to the elders den when we get there her face goes from worry to distain "now you'll clean up the elders den and ill help a little" I say sternly she nods as we both enter to see Mossvine a creekclan cat. They still haven't fixed up their camp so we've let them put their elders in our camp till construction is done next to her Skyheart he is one of the oldest and was around even before the 3 moon war "morning I hope all is well, Ratpaw and I are here to make sure your beds are cleaned" as I start to check the bedding "oh no problem at all, its always lovely to see a leader take the time to helps us older warriors" says Skyheart "you are a very kind soul" Mossvine states as she shows Ratpaw where most of the dirt and webs are.

 it takes a few minutes but we manage to clear it out the webs "ill take my leave now much more to do before the days out" I say I give them a curt nod as head out of the elders den I should start a hunting patrol lets see who available I scan the camp to see Sunnypelt and Honeyfur talking. Perfect I walk over to the she cats "Sunnypelt,Honeyfur you two wouldn't happen to be able to come on a hunting patrol with me" I say very calmly and as if in unison they both say "sure" I was quite stunned at the timing as if they were twins "when do you want to leave" said Honeyfur her tail swaying back and forth "soon I just have to check on my mother real quick" I say quickly they both nod and I head to the medicine den. Once I enter the den I see Snowear a black and white tom with a knack for herbs, I stride over to my mother who is laying on the bed "how are you feeling mother" I say softly "oh good just lazing about being as useless as frog, how have you been have made any progress with Honeyfur." she says with no care for the world I however get taken aback "well...were just good friends we've known each other since we were kits" I say trying to get out of this uncomfortable topic "sure and I was just a good friend to your father, you know I want to have grandkits before I go to starclan" she says with a little tease "ha ha very funny mother I get it just try to get better soon I'm heading out to a hunting patrol ill check on you when I get back" I say with a worrying look "you should worry about yourself son theirs more to life to worry about than an elder" she says in calm and gentle way as I take my leave I see Honeyfur and Sunnypelt at the exit to camp as I go over to them I catch what their saying "if you like him just tell him he probably feels the same way" as I get close to them they stop talking and Sunnypelt says "you ready?" I nod and we move out to the woods.

Its a decent trek out to the hunting grounds as the morning air dissipates and the afternoon day begins as we walk I look back at Honeyfur trying to think of a conversation starter maybe say how nice her pelt looks today or say they look very awake no no that's not good, just as I'm about to say anything "we made it to the cross roads should we spit up" says Sunnypelt "yes best to cover the most ground I'll head towards the bank of the river while you and Honeyfur take the brushes" I ordered, Honeyfur interrupts saying "actually I was hoping we could talk alone" my face feels a little flush of red but I agree "sure let head out then" I look to see Sunnypelt looking a little disappointed till she says "have fun you two lovebirds" with crackle of a laugh as she moves towards the brush while me and Honeyfur continue our walk along the bank the awkward silence felt like it was chocking me I need to think of something anything "uh how was last night you weren't too bored id hope" I say as normal as I can she looks at me a little puzzled but then chuckles "yes I fear my boredom got the better of me I fear I may never be the same" she says while hiding a smile "right well, then what was it you wanted to talk to me about" I ask curiously she takes a sigh and says '"well what are we, I mean I feel like we have a connection but I just need to know, from you if its real, if you like me" I tense up a little unsure how to feel we both stop by the waters edge as I take a deep breath "Honeyfur your..." before I can finish I see an object floating down the river as it gets closer I see the fur realizing its a cat "oh starclan theirs someone in the river" I jump in the water and swim towards the body I can thank creekclan cats later for teaching most of my clan how to swim as I get to the body and start dragging it to the shore with Honeyfurs help we pull up the the stranger. Their a smaller than an average cat about apprentice size and their covered in mud as wipe some of it off a white pelt shows as their eyes opens to a blue diamond gaze as they say "Tortoisepaw where is my sister."                

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