Chapter 4 Dusk

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I'm pacing back and forth outside the medicine den what am I to do I brought a random cat to camp. Who knows who this cat is they might be a spy or worse, no no no can't think like that they needed saving and I did my duty following the warrior code but as a leader, it's my job to protect the clan Ah what would father do. "you okay Brightstar you're looking more tense than usual" I look up to see Emberclaw okay keep composure "yep everything is how was the patrol with spanglecloud?" I ask to keep my mind off the current problem "As boring as ever since the peace between clans nothing has happened in moons and besides it's more fun when honeyfur is around to look at" he says ignorantly somehow this is worse. "Look Emberclaw can you get Ratpaw for me before I lose any thought power" I say trying to leave this conversation. "Sure thing Brightstar and between you and me, I'm going to try to make my move soon," he says before leaving, great another problem I'll have to sort out later. I sigh and sit down at the front of the medicine den I'll have to do a clan meeting soon, snowear pops his head out and says "brightstar he's awake" alright let's do this. I walk in and snowear announces "Ah let me introduce you to brightstar leader of sunclan" I step in front of Snowear and say "Greetings I hope you were not harmed by anyone we were out on patrol and saw your body floating down the river we were even lucky that you were still breathing," I say trying to start a conversation the white pelted cat just stares at me though then speaks "right I'm Mudpaw I'm from mudclan and I wish to return immediately" poor apprentice "I understand your need to return to your clan however your injury is not to be taken lightly if you try to leave now your wound would most likely reopen" I try to explain the situation to him. "Just let us make sure you're in good shape the gathering is happening the next day I'll personally see to it that your clan knows your alive," I say he simply nods "I'll take my leave, have Ratpaw help with him, " I say to snowear as I leave the medicine den and back to the camp.

once I step outside I head straight to the Highrock and announce "All those old enough to catch prey come to the Highrock for a clan meeting!" cats begin to gather around "Now as all of you probably know by now we have guest with us momentarily until he gets back on his feet" I say "guest! guest! that is an enemy are we allowing monsters into our clan now!" Sandnose claims loudly "of course not but this is no enemy, the clans have been at peace since the 3 moon war ended and he is only an apprentice." I retort back "then what are we going to do just keep him here what's the plan, Brightstar" Honeyfur asks "we will keep him here till he is at least able to move, tomorrow at the gathering ill tell his clan we have him and that we'll return him once he is able to move again" I say, most of the crowd begins to murmur as I end the meeting "that is all" I jump down and head towards Spanglecloud, "hey Spanglecloud what do you think of the plan?" I ask "I think its good but we tread a dangerous line, if mudclan thinks your holding this cat for ransom they might strike their could be blood." He says As if the thought doesn't frighten him, I nod "then I best start getting good at convincing then" I say trying to humor the terrifying thought away. I begin to walk back to my den I lay in my bed today has been tiring I try to push the bad thoughts away, thinking of my father helps. He was the leader before me and I was his deputy not by choice but I did the best I could, the youngest deputy to be in the clan. I remember the day he died to vividly it was the finale battle of the 3 moon war we fought against Gatorstar and his clan at broken tree hill I was wounded during the battle and Snowear was tending my wound near the end of the battlefield as he was working I saw from a distance my father Solarstar and Gatorstar clashing only to end with Gatorstar gutting my father and losing his last life. After the battle I commanded the clan to retreat we would later make an agreement to end this war I just want to hold on to peace for as long as I can.

The sun begins to shine through my den as I wake up, I can only hope today will be better I step out to look at the camp everything seems good then the first order of the day will be. My stomach begins to grumble, right food it is then I head down to the fresh kill pile and grab a mouse a light snack should suffice as I find a comfortable spot to lie down and eat, and to my happy surprise Honeyfur sits down next to me "lovely mouse Brightstar would you mind if you share it with me don't want to eat anything to big yet" she ask kindly "of course just having your company alone fills me up" I say only now realizing how corny that is, she simply laughs it off and we begin to chat "brightstar we really do need to talk about us though I know the last few days have been a little fast but I really need to know how you truly feel" Honeyfur ask with anticipation for an answer and right before I can say anything as if on cue Emberclaw struts over with the biggest fish from the pile, he drops it right in front of us "sorry to interrupt anything but I noticed Honeyfur is eating but a simple mouse its not enough energy to keep your beautiful soul going so brought a fish for us to share" he says as if ignoring any social cues, and before I can retort anything  Snowear yells "Brightstar we need you in the medicine den quickly" I get up and look to Honeyfur with a I'm sorry look as I rush to the den. I enter the den to see Snowear looking panicked "what's going on Snowear you look as if you seen starclan themselves" I exclaim with concern "Brightstar I had vision it was at a gathering Gatorstar murdered and streamstar half dead" he says trying to keep calm "its okay I'm sure it was just dream it cant be an omen can it?" I say more worried "I don't know Brightstar just please watch your back, this gathering has something not right with it, I felt this change before during the 3 moon war starclan doesn't make mistakes" "well is their at least any good news" I ask hopeful  "well your mother is starting to make a full recovery in a few days she'll be able to head back to the elders den" Snowear says with relief thank goodness at least something is going right I best get ready for that gathering then.

Hours pass as I help around camp and increase the patrols when it is about time for the gathering I gather the cats I've chosen to come with me, and we head out to pick up creakclan we get to their camp which is being built up better I greet Streamstar the leader of creakclan, "I hope your camp construction has been going well" I ask she looks back at her cats and gives me a nod. Since our alliance she has spoken rarely to me I suppose I understand why their clan has been low on numbers with only about 6 cats left after their decimation and are force d to ask help from a rival clan I hope their growth will come fast. We make it to the great hollow a sacred place where the founding clans had their first gathering uniting all clans under a full moon mudclan seems to have arrived already their numbers seemingly larger than before I jump on sunclans side of the hollow and so does Streamstar as all cats begin to mingle and chat I look too Gatorstar "hey its good to see your clan doing well" I say with good intentions "yes well we definitely have gotten larger than creakclan so I suppose it could be worth a celebration" he says passive aggressively I turn my head back to the crowd as they start to settle down I say " greetings all I'm glad we could all make it to the gathering we shall begin with mudclan what news do you bring?" as I introduce Gatorstar he says "thank you Brightstar, our clan is fine we had an unfortunate incident with one of our apprentices who is currently having his wounds tended, we've had a plentiful hunting season and look forward to more, thank you." He finishes his speech and passes it on to Streamstar who states "we've had a rough time after the war we were left with nothing, but thanks to the help of sunclan we've been able to recover slowly. Do not mistake our loss as weakness we will fight till our last breath and that is a promise." she finishs up and looks to me  I take a deep breath time to decide whether I tell them or not please don't want war please, I beg to myself as I say "this season has been well for us too food has been plenty and we are holding strong" I pause for a moment time to let it out "and we have also an unexpected surprise" before I continue I get interrupted "you have one of our cats."

 Gatorstar chimes in looking more smug, but how could he have known "we all shouldn't be surprise that sunclan would try to harm us even after the peace, like farther, like son" Gatorstar says his voice booming across the cats I quickly retort back "yes we do have one of your cats Mudpaw we are simply caring for him till his wounds are better then we'll give him back" I state trying to make them see sense "sure Brightstar we'll just let you play around with our clanmates till your good and ready " Gatorstar sarcastically remarks. "just like creakclan you love your little playthings" he continues, I however am losing my patience "do not subject your thoughts into reality Gatorstar, we will return Mudpaw when he has healed we never intend to harm anyone and if you have such a gripe you can send a patrol of cats to see for yourself end of discussion!" I yell anger boiling over me Gatorstar however just looks at me and shakes his head "very well I shall not anger starclan if your a cat of your word ill send dirstscar and two of my warriors to check on Mudpaw" I give him a nod "very well then shall we conclude this gathering?" I ask around Creakstar looks to me and nods and Gatorstar just says "agreed" as he jumps down from the great hollow, what a mess this is becoming.                                   

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