Shoe-in Decision

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Velv: "O? Can you come here, please."

I hear the pitter-patter of Orchid's feet running down the stairs, watching as she jumps off the last few steps before running over to me. She climbs onto the couch beside me, siddling right up to me.

Orchid: "Hi!"

Velv: "Hi, honey. I have a problem, and would like your input."

Orchid looks at me with wide eyes, concern flashing her face.

Orchid: "Lay it on me."

Velv: "Well, I was shopping online, and can't decide which pair of shoes I want."

I show her my phone, letting her look over the designer pairs I want. Orchid laughs, smirking at the phone as she scrolls.

Orchid: "You had me scared! I thought you were experiencing something serious."

Velv: "This is serious, O. I want to save money... but I also can't decide."

Orchid thinks momentarily, putting my phone down on the coffee table. 

Orchid: "Well, maybe we can do something to take your mind off it. You can come back to it later, and the first pair of shoes you think of should be the ones you buy."

I think over her proposition, liking the way she thinks.

Velv: "Alright, I like that. What should we do?"

Orchid: "We could watch a movie... um... watch a TV show..."

She trails off, looking at the clicker.

Velv: "I'm getting the vibe you want to watch-"

Orchid: "Watch something? Great suggestion; you took the words right out of my mouth."

She grabs the clicker, turning the TV on excitedly. I can't help but shake my head at her silliness; it's why I love her.

She flips through the channels, landing on a drama. I'm bored out of my mind, but I'll watch anything for Orchid.

We go through three episodes until I can't handle anymore, prompting me to reach for my phone.

Orchid: "Did it work?"

Velv: "Nope. Still can't decide."

She huffs, thinking hard before giving me another suggestion.

Orchid: "Maybe we can try something else."

Velv: "Yeah? Like what."

Orchid doesn't say anything, instead grabbing my phone and putting it back on the table. She climbs onto my lap, grabbing my hands before making me hold her waist. 

I look her over, closing my eyes as she cups her hand to my cheek. She kisses my cheek, then my lips. She moves her hand from my cheek to my shoulder, running her fingers lightly down the length of my arm. 

We start to make out, her soft lips encouraging me to deepen the kiss. I grip her waist a little tighter, satisfied as I hear her sigh into the kiss in response.

I move my hands under her t-shirt, pulling her in closer. We pull back for air, Orchid smiling at me. 

Velv: "You're so pretty, honey."

Orchid: "Thank you."

She blushes happily, leaning her head on my shoulder. I rub her back, the smile on my face showing just how content I am. 

I reach over her, turning the TV back on. Orchid moves her head so she can see, wrapping her arms around my neck to watch the channel I flip on. 

I rub her back, dancing my fingers across her soft skin. We watch the TV until I grow sleepy, my eyes starting to slam shut. 

My hand stops moving, resting on the small of her back as my body relaxes. Orchid sighs, snuggling in closer while pulling the folded blanket next to me over us. 

I help her, tucking us in. Orchid kisses my neck, breathing softly against my skin as she prepares to fall asleep as well.

Orchid: "You made your decision yet?"

Her voice comes out quiet, laced with sleepiness.

Velv: "I think I did. I don't want any pair. I have all that I need right here."

Orchid picks her head up, smiling at me before kissing me. She smiles into the kiss, pulling away to lay her head back down. 

We fall asleep to the TV, my heart happy to be able to love someone like Orchid as much as I do. No pair of shoes can replicate that feeling, nor would I ever want them to.

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