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Kongpob had earlier thought it would be awkward around Arthit in office, but it had proved to be his misgiving. Arthit being an insanely busy person had little time to spare, so Kong had found himself settled in to comfortable routine. It had been three weeks now, his routine remained same.

Be first to reach the office. Prepare a glass of Nomyen and Breakfast for both of them. They have breakfast in solitude, while Kong updates him about his schedule. Arthit starts working on his presentations and responds to mails while Kong irons out the details for him. 

Today was also one of those days . Arthit arrived in his impeccably ironed Suit- colour of the day was a deep aquamarine. 

"How does my day looks like?" Arthit asks,  sitting down on their Coffee cum breakfast table that Kong had already filled with Arthit's favourites.

"Meeting with board of directors about the new acquisitions till twelve. At twelvw thirty, The research team has a new product to show.  One thirty- you will have lunch with the investors. AT evening - you will attend the charity dinner."

Arthit sighed in relief " I have the evening free then"

"I believe I have just said,  Today, you will ATTEND evening charity dinner,sir"

"I just said, I will not be attending. Write them a cheque though and see it is delivered to them. "

"Any reason?"

"It is a black tie event and I hate both the colour black and ties. No incentive to go there. "

Kong rolled his eyes " Very funny . "

Breakfast done, Arthit stood up and Kong followed him " Writing them cheque won't cut it. You haven't attended except first year of invite. It will come off as rude.  "

"I am busy this evening."

"Doing what ? Twiddling your thumbs, Sir ? Because I can't see any other engagement in your schedule."

"No Khun SECRETARY !  I prefer being busy in catching up on my sleep rather than being bored to death in such events. "

" You need to go...it is necessary for company's image. To show that you are a stable person with stable relationship. "

" You think I'm unstable ? "

Kong Smirked " That's a news to you ? "

" Not Funny Kongpob. "

" Didn't even try to be Sir. "

" I'm not going Khun SECRETARY. And this is my final decision. "

" I have sent the mail confirming your presence Sir " Kong replied " Chairman's order (Arthit's father) . " Kong air quoted " I did try to make it look like your decision."

Arthit's face soured " You could have made an excuse."

"I couldn't lie to your mae" Kong replied tenderly, sympathising with Arthit.

Arthit frowned " Since this is your doing, you will come with me too. "

"I have sauna appointment with may"

""I'm sure your sauna session can wait, Kong," Arthit retorted, a hint of amusement in his voice. 

"What will I even do there ?"

" As my secretary, I am sure you will find something to make yourself useful."

Kong sighed, realizing he was outnumbered. "Fine, I'll go. But only because I'm contractually obligated to keep you out of trouble."

Arthit smirked, satisfied with the outcome. "Excellent. Now, let's get through this evening with as much dignity intact as possible."

Kong bit his lip " There's something more"

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