From one Captain to his Just Retired Skipper - Parte Dos

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From one Captain to his Just Retired Skipper - Parte Dos.

A/N - As usual this is too addictive....

This one still is a little *I dunno what I am doing*

Aha... Well, as usual

(With a grain/bagful of salt)

This one is for AadeezTrashLuv

Go blame her....

But she is such a good writer.

Unto and Onwards.

Merci Beaucoup



*in chorus* "Bhaiya! MS!"

"What? Why are you all hell bent on making me lose my hearing?"

"Not me, Mahi Bhai!"

"I know. You are my good kid, Jaddu!"

*a curse almost spurted* You take that back, MS!"

"Jaddu and good do not belong in one sentence, Bhaiya."

"Hey! Mahi Bhai ne kahe diya toh kahe diya."

"Oh shut up, you Jamnagar weirdo!"

"You shut up, you obnoxious Kohlito! Just like a melted down Cornetto; with a soggy cone."

"Why don't you just go and get a grave?"

"You did not just quote Casper at me! You know better than to mess with Casper!"

*a scoff and Kohlito's, I meant Virat's, mind scrambled itself and made a rather rainbow hued omelette*  "Guess again, bonebag! I can and I will."¯

"Wooooo... I am so afraid...Not! You don't get much done regardless."

"And you do?"

"At least I will get to play with Mahi Bhai! Baby, you are so six feet under!"

*a breath dragged in and one MS Dhoni almost lamented the day he joined the Indian cricket team* "Jaddu... Stop it. Now!"

"Too much?"

"A bit too much. Yeah!"

"That would be tremendously ambitious of him! He cannot get one up over me!"

"Shut up, Virat! I am having a really bad headache."

*brain...having 404 error...* "Did you ask me to shut up, Bhai?"

*fingers ran through and hair pulled hard* "I did not mean it like that, Cheeku!"

"You do not get to use that name!"

"I will do whatever I damn wish and you will stop harping on about it!"


"Stop taking his side, Rohit! All three of you are behaving like morons!"

"We are not! You don't get to..."

"Not another word from you, Captain Kohli!" *voice raised dramatically and one rather deep breathe later* "Come on now, Virat. This is so not the way to go about things."

"It is this or I sit and have a cry..." *words spoken in the lowest of tones and a fist punched the wall* "We... I cannot go on without you, MS."

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