Taking the scenic route 3 (Ft. MSD, Virat Rohit. Mahirat and MahiRoRat)

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Taking the scenic route 3 (Ft. MSD, Virat Rohit. Mahirat and MahiRoRat)

A/N - At times it may become impossible to explain existence. Sometimes we should probably just stop thinking.

"Mahi Bhai! Why can't we stay at a hotel?"

"Because we are going on a road trip?" MS held back his laughter with great effort and tried to level a sympathetic look at the player struggling to set up his tent.

"Yes, Rohit Sharma! A Hitman you may be but it is not stopping you from being a dunce and asking stupid questions, is it? Half the enjoyment of a road trip comes from roughing it out in a tent." Virat was feeling extra ordinarily chirpy and laughed out loud.

"Oh shut up. Why don't you stop being a prat and help me out, Mr. Captain?"

Virat realised that his previous remarks had stayed with his friend and turned to face MS's glare; to face and accept it, according the due attention to the flippancy of his remarks.

"Hmmm... Isn't it better that you learn it on your own?" But, of course, he could not let up on an opportunity to tease his friend.

"Whatever!" Rohit grumbled and turned around to set up the most complicated tent he had had the privilege of handling. He was sure that there were entire machines which would be easier to put together. "Idiotic Kohli! Couldn't help me!"

A few moments of useless tries and then,


MS had just taken a sip of water from his canteen and the sudden scream took him aback, causing him to violently cough as the sip went down the wrong way.

"The Hell?" With a shout of his own, Virat dashed over to where only Rohit's head could be seen, with the rest entirety of his body buried underneath what had been a half erected tent and was now no more than a collapsed lot of Poles and Polyester.

"I asked you to help me!" Rohit wailed and MS somehow composed himself to join Virat; together they pulled out a raging and hurt Rohit Sharma. Though it seemed that it was his pride which was more hurt, than anything else. "I told him to help me, Bhaiya!"

With no sense for his dignity, Rohit wailed again.

"I know, kiddo." MS patted Rohit's head and threw a mock glare at Virat. "Why didn't you help him, Virat?"

"I did not know that your kiddo would end up under the tent, now did I?" And true to form, Virat snapped and griped. "Are you okay? Hurt anything bad?" His voice lowered almost automatically, when confronted with Rohit's dusty form and slightly tattered clothes.

There was a gash on his elbow, which was bleeding freely, and his pants were torn at his knees.

"Nothing bad, no." Rohit ran a wary hand over the back of his neck and his head; they seemed alright. "Just cuts, I guess."

"Which would infect if not treated."

Rohit barely held back his panicked yell as he saw MS rooting into his back pack and bringing out the infamous and rather dangerous looking bottle of Dettol.

"Ummm... I am alright, Bhai. Nothing hurts as such," he tried to say and the only reward he received for his efforts was a stern look from MS.

"Don't be a kid, Rohit. And Virat," MS looked over the youngest man, who was overseeing the proceedings with great interest. "Put up Rohit's tent, will you? Please."

"Of course, Bhai, but..."


Virat tried to think of an excuse, any excuse but came up blank; he made sure to complain loudly enough even as he went forth to do his assigned duty. Captain or not, MS held all the power in their dynamics and did not dither to use it. And even as Virat tried to figure out the poles and holes in Rohit's tent, he tried to keep an eye on his idiotic friend and his Mahi Bhai.

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