From Dhoni Bhaiya to the 'Fearless man' - (Also some Rohirat)

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From Dhoni Bhaiya to the 'Fearless man' - (Also Rohirat.)

A/N - New place, still residing in hotels. Need to find a place to live. Need to buy and set up furniture. 

Rushing to come home on weekends as Maa is not well. And yet I needed to write, if only a few words. But not a very serious fic; not really.

Thank you all for the patience. I will get back to my stories once I settle in a little- hopefully, and find a place to stay.

The phone rings and the name flashing on the screen spelled ominous in flashing red letter. Especially as it showed up so rarely. With slightly shaky hands, Jaddu received the call.



"So, Mr. Fearless man! How are things at the US of A?"

"Haha. Things are chill, Bhai. Except that the pitches are trying to kill us. And I am not sure that Jassi or even Hardik, for that matter, is not trying to deliberately make use of it."

"And you are not?"

"Me? No Bhai. You know me."

"Exactly! I know you."

Jaddu bristled in indignation. "How can you say this, Mahi Bhai?"

"Because he knows you."

"Stop listening to private conversations, Kohli!" Jaddu griped. He tried to move away with the phone but the same was snatched by the later. And placed on speaker.

"Oh nice." Even his moronic Captain found it intriguing and stepped in closer. "Hi, Mahi Bhai!"

"Hi bachche. How are you, Rohit? And you, Cheeku?"

"We are doing alright, Skip. Only I desperately need to find some form."

"And the pitches are trying to kill us!"

"Yes, I heard, Rohit. Is your hand alright?"

"And we are practicing in parks!" Virat sounded more fascinated than anything. "It is surely something, MS. You would have loved it, Bhai!"

"Yes! We are roaming around, actually roaming around, without being swarmed. Though I do kinda miss the fans from back home."

"And we miss you, Skip!"

"So much!"

"He called to talk to me; you do realise that, don't you?" Jaddu tried to drag away his phone but was glared down by his friends.

"Do we care? Virat, what is this Jaddu saying? Do we really care?"

Virat straightened out on the recliner and stretched luxuriously. "Not in the least, Rohu! And Mahi Bhai! How is it fair that you do not pick up our phones, my phone, and pick up this Jaddu's?"

"He didn't pick up my call! He called me!" Despite misgivings, Jaddu couldn't help but gloat. "He called me, Kohlito!"

"Hah! And what for, may I ask?" Virat grinned. "Tell us, Bhai!"

"And why on earth would you want to know, Cheeku?"

"Mahi Bhai!"


"Boliye na!"

"Arreh, I called Jaddu. Stop fooling around, kiddo."

"Not a kid!"

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