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Vincent was in terrible condition. The doctors told Adrian that he had suffered severe burns and as well as a glass to the side of his neck. Adrian had suspected the one who had lit the bistro on fire was the man that was running away from the scene, he couldnt quite get a good look at him due to the dark and how fast the man had ran.

Adrian had also gotten his own burns treated, he bit his lip as he bandaged the burns up again. He was more worried for Vincent rather than himself, even if he doesn't know the man at all he still cares for his well being.

He sighs as he waits beside Vincent's hospital bed, he had covered all the necessary expenses of Vincent's hospital bills. Now all he had to do was wait for the man to wake up. It had taken a few days for him to gain consciousness again, it was XX month of the XX day and Vincent had finally woken up.

Vincent's vision was blurry, he couldn't see clearly. His hearing was also impaired, all he could hear was the beeping of the heart monitor. He looks around and sees a man beside his bed, he doesn't know who he is, the man appears to be sleeping while sitting up. Vincent tries to speak but his vocal cords dont operate and it just comes out as nothing, his throat and neck hurt. He reaches for the man and pokes him awake.

Adrian wakes up, he sees that Vincent is awake and gives him a soft smile.

"Hello Vincent, my name is Adrian Beauchêne. I'm the one who had saved you from the devastating fire, although I couldnt say the same for your bistro.. I'm sorry that youre life efforts was burned to the ground." Adrian starts with his introduction and ends with a murmur, Vincent didnt quite hear the last part but he just nods.

Vincent tries to speak again but then Adrian speaks up again which makes the man close his mouth.

"Ah, please don't speak. The doctor advised that you shouldn't try speaking yet since you're still recovering from a serious injury to your throat. You probably cannot talk for a while, but thats alright! Here, a pen and paper so you can communicate with me" Adrian explains as he hands Vincent a pen and paper to write on, Vincent looks at the pen and paper on his lap and begins to grasp the pen, he couldnt control much of his arms but he forced himself to write something down.

'What happened' in ragged and messy writing

"You..dont remember? Well uhm as I said, your bistro had caught on fire. You were the only survivor, because I had saved you and brought you to the hospital." He ends as he looks at Vincent for a reaction, maybe sadness about his bistro and lifes hard work had burnt down or even anger at the perpetrator that had set the fire in the first place.

'I can't remember anything' Vincent writes with a shaky hand after thinking, he tried to remember but the only thing he remembered was the smell of smoke and a sharp pain on his neck.

Adrian looks at him in shock, the man didnt remember anything? Now he had determination in his eyes. He was gonna make Vincent remember everything so he can finally put the perpetrator to justice and maybe also get the man's bistro back, but first he had to focus on helping Vincent recover.

"Well, that's alright! I'll help you recover all your memories while also helping you recover from your injuries. I ask for no payment back of course, I just really want to help you." Adrian says cheerfully as he gives a dumbfounded Vincent a soft smile.

'why. why do you want to help me' Vincent scratches on the paper as he writes the last letter then shows it to Adrian. Adrian looks surprised and scratches his cheek, then he chuckles a little

"Well, I just like helping people.. I always give money to charity and donate food to orphanages with all the resources I can give. I dont really have a reason for how I am.." Adrian explains as he looks at Vincent kindly, Vincent sensed that he was telling the truth and just dropped the topic, even though how much he wanted to know about the reason.

'okay. thank you, for helping me.' Vincent writes down and gives Adrian a small smile which he gracefully returns back. Adrian had heard the infamous Vincent being strict and up tight as well as even violent at times, but now he doesn't think that those rumors were true now.

"No problem. I'm just glad to help you, will you accept my offer to treat you and give you shelter?" Adrian asks, offering Vincent a place to stay for a while so that he could recover.

'yes, again, thank you.' Vincent writes down and then promptly passes out. Adrian worries and calls a nurse to check the man over to make sure he was alright. The nurse told him he was and just fell asleep, he sighs and figures all the talking must've tired him out so he gets up and leaves for the night. Saying a small goodbye to Vincent and then leaving out the door.


Adrian Beauchêne : has a hero complex, saved vincent from the fire in ending 3: best served hot. potential love interest, helps vincent recover and gives him shelter by letting the man stay at his own home. kindof rich to have enough money to pay for vincent's hospital bills

 kindof rich to have enough money to pay for vincent's hospital bills

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small doodle of what adrian looks like :)

anyways, im back!

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