Chapter 6: Wits, Manners, and Charm

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A/N: Prepare! This chapter goes from zero to a hundred real fast. Hopefully we've ironed everything out properly.

I'd say why, but that would spoil things, flashbacks, etc.

Grappling with writer's block, sorry.

Many thanks to Advent for helping me with this, without him, this chapter simply would not have been possible. He wrote the bulk of this chapter based off what I gave him to work on; from there I went back and made the necessary edits and the like. Hopefully it looks good; because I'm exhausted.

Just wanted to thank everyone out there for their heartfelt support in these trying times.

So here we go. The fate of this story depends on you, the reader. Your feedback determines the fate of this tale, and many others.

I'm just a humble author trying to make his way in this wild world, one word at a time.

Time and feedback will determine if this remains a story. Simple as that.

In other words...its up to YOU, the reader. Do let me know~!

"James Ironwood, we of the Council hereby find you guilty to attempted Genocide against the populace of not only Mantle and the citizens within her walls, but the willingness to allow those of Atlas to potentially be slaughtered.

Had the Grimm breached the Walls of Mantle where the remaining citizens would have undoubtedly perished, hundreds would have died.

Have you anything to say for yourself?"

~A judgment

Wits, Manners, and Charm

James Ironwood was clapped in irons as soon as the Horde had been dispersed and destroyed.

Stripped of Rank and Stature alike, he'd been shoved into a orange prison uniform to await his trial with various executive judges. Among these judges were the Council of Headmaster's, the as-of-yet-peaceful White Fang Hierarchy, William Schnee himself-who had repelled the massive Horde almost singlehandedly-and it was to be broadcasted for the people to watch. Usually when a General or anyone in such a high position of Authority were to be under such circumstances as he, this would be a private affair and kept silent from the Public.

Alas, William Schnee had made a single and very powerful point.

Let the world know of his cowardice, and his fate would be decided upon conclusion.

He couldn't try to fault that logic, and Jacques was slimy enough to have escaped a trial by saying he had been attending a business meeting-a story that had been proven true when the Board of Director's that worked at the SDC confirmed his tale, so the slippery bastard had gotten away with it by the skin of his teeth.

But not him.

Atlas needed a scapegoat.

He was brought out of his silent thoughts when the door to his cell opened with a resounding clang of metal

A guard stood before him weapon in hand. "Time to go, prisoner."

"Very well then, let's get this over with." James sighed.


The gathered witnesses-from various portion's of the Population, Military and SDC-were in their seats waiting for the trial to begin. Silent murmurs were filling the room as to their own thoughts and theories on what could possibly happen. These murmurs were interrupted when the doors opened and the man whom was most despised by Mantle was walked in under guard. His hands were chained to his waist, and his ankles were shackled to provide minimal movement in case he tried to resist and attempt escape-a precaution that William proposed as a safety measure, as you never knew what was going to happen.

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