Chapter 8-Test Your Might

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A/N: Take the Girl will be updated tomorrow. Bloody work, messing with my schedule

Had to go in early again today, but thankfully Advent was able to whip this up beforehand.

This chapter, like the last two, is written a bit differently from my usual format, and I apologize for any confusion. Hope you enjoy it.

My co-writer, Adventreader221 wrote 95% of this chapter, as I'm in no shape to do it with everything going on, he's a godsend as always and the reason this story is still going strong. I'm still in mourning from losing my Aunt, and working more and more hours due to my sister's surgery -she's home now, but in a lot of pain- if not for him, this chapter would've taken forever.

Sister is being held by the hospital after surgery. They won't let me see her for some reason; I've been getting the runaround all day. Excuses, excuses...

I'll be heading over there after work and woe to them if they try to stop me. They say she'll be out for about two months, which means my hours are going to double, if not triple while I struggle to pay rent. But enough about little 'ol me. Despite my injuries, despite RWBY being liquidated by Warner Bros and despite Long Covid, I'm still here. So let's get things started.

Once again, a heartfelt thanks to everyone out there for their heartfelt support in these trying times. As ever, we own no references, themes or memes and certainly no quotes. They're tributes made for the sake of entertainment, nothing more.

So here we go. The fate of this story depends on you, the reader. Your feedback determines the fate of this tale, and many others.

I'm just a humble author trying to make his way in this wild world, one word at a time.

Time and feedback will determine if this remains a story. Simple as that.

In other words...its up to YOU, the reader. Do let me know~!

And here we finally see Naruto acting a little like his old self...

...because our boy wants a good fight~!

"You are lucky Saber is not the one fighting you, it would have been over quite fast."

"Aren't you an arrogant one."

"It is not arrogance if it is true. She is the only person to this day that has ever bested me in combat."

~A talk.

Test Your Might

William and Pyrrha Stood in the middle of the arena, their eyes locked as the crowd around them howled for some action.

Pyrrha turned her body, briefly drawing an arm to her hip as she held her free hands palm upwards while she held her spear horizontally. She then quickly spun the spar of steel once-twice-thrice and leapt into the fight. Spinning around, she drew the spear up over her head before swiping down, William dropping to his knees and spinning around to evade the strive before raising himself back up and blocking her spear using both blades-a rain of sparks filling the air from the force of their blows connecting with one another-the crowd cheering wildly as the fight began in earnest.

Swiping back up, Pyrrha hummed in awe at how fluidly her opponent blocked her strike, even as she tried to bring it back down on his neck he was undeterred and hyper-focused on her movements. His red eyes showed no compassion, no remorse, only the thrill of the fight as he fought her.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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