Chapter 7: With All You Have

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A/N: Happy Mothers Day to those celebrating it!

This chapter, like the last is written a bit differently, and I apologize for any confusion.

My co-writer, Adventreader221 wrote 90% of this chapter, as I'm in no shape to do it. he's a godsend as always. I'm still in mourning from losing my Aunt, if not for him, this chapter would've taken another two months. Furthermore, we vastly improved the chapter prior to this some time ago -not sure if anyone noticed- so feel free to give that a reread if you like. Its like having two chapters in one!

Once again, a heartfelt thanks to everyone out there for their heartfelt support in these trying times.

As ever, we own no references, themes or memes and certainly no quotes. They're tributes made for the sake of entertainment, nothing more.

So here we go. The fate of this story depends on you, the reader. Your feedback determines the fate of this tale, and many others.

I'm just a humble author trying to make his way in this wild world, one word at a time.

Time and feedback will determine if this remains a story. Simple as that.

In other words...its up to YOU, the reader. Do let me know~!

Minor verbatim from my One Helluva Team story as well.

Advent did his best to help; he really is a lifesaver.

"Money opens doors, as they say.

But charisma...well, that opens even more.

Is it any wonder he managed to pull a stunt like this?

~A King's Declaration

With All You Have

Blake sat in the chair next to the couch, her long time friend-and secret love interest-thank you Ninja's of Love-Adam Taurus sat on the couch with Kali as Ghira entered the living room, "So, three months until you head to Beacon, are you excited?" Adam asked Blake.

"Nervous, if you want the truth, but at the same time I am anxious to see what the school is like." Blake told him.

"That's fine, it's ok to be nervous." Ghira said as he nodded his head before looking to his wife who nodded in agreement.

"Yea, just make sure you don't let the people who think themselves better than you get to you and you'll be fine." Kali assured her, "It's usually the ones who are insecure about themselves that cause problems for others, so stay strong."

Blake smiled, "Thanks mom, dad, it means a lot." she said happily, "Besides, Adam is going to be going with me to ensure I make it to the initiation for the Academy." she told them.

"And for that we are glad." Ghira said looking to the redhead who shrugged.

"If it allows Blake to grow as a person and a Huntsman, then as her friend I should see her off on the beginning of her journey." he told them.

If only he knew what was to come from this step of helping young Blake out.

"Well, the tournament is about to begin, what say we make a wager then Adam?" Ghira asked getting a interested hum from the Bull Faunus.

"Ghira, no, you're terrible when it comes to gambling." Kali said in panic, "Especially when it comes to making a bet against Adam!"

"Not a good a idea, don't even try to swindle your way out of it." Blake stated.

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