Shellso hcs

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peso has to drag shellie to bed. Like "come on Shellington. It's time for bed." And shellie is just like "BUT MY RESEARCH! :'(" but then peso's like "it's okay you can work on it tomorrow :)" and they sleep.

• peso has a decent sleep schedule. Shellie doesn't lmao. • peso usually falls asleep first

• shellie talks in his sleep like "*snore* jellyfish *snore* have no brains *snore*" and peso will be like "shellington. Please go to bed." Only to realize that shellie is talking in his sleep.

• peso and the vegimals make food for shellie

• peso learned how to play weezer songs on his xylophone and piano to impress shellington

• somehow peso can hold shellington in his flippers. • they bonded over having shitty relationships with their parents (peso has a shitty relationship with his dad and Shellington has a shitty relationship with his mom)

• shellington likes to annoy peso with his kazoo (affectionately)

• shellington tried to learn some Spanish so he could understand what peso saying

• peso and Shellie know each other's safe foods and stuff. • Peso (politely) lectures Shellington about taking better care of himself be like "Shells. You can not keep doing this to yourself. You need to rest.

• Peso always becomes concerned when Shellington hurts himself. Be like "hi Peso! Just fell down the Octo-Chute! But we ball." And peso is like "OMG SHELLINGTON ARE YOU OKAY?! COME ON WE ARE GETTING YOU TO THE SICK BAY NOW." • sometimes shellington says Scottish slang (ex "their ass is out the window.") and he has to explain what it means to Peso

• they can both cook pretty good. Especially Peso.

• shellington introduced weezer to peso and peso introduced some of his favorite music to shellington

• they drink hot chocolate together while sobbing dramatically to a sad romantic movie 

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