Chapter: 44

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Rylan was already in bed, leaning against the headrest. On climbing up the bed, I slipped inside the cover and snuggled into his chest. I almost felt relaxed by the feel of his fingers combing through my hair but I couldn't.

"Tell me." I was staring off into space until he spoke.

"Huh?" I looked up at him with furrowed brows at his words.

"You have something on your mind. Tell me." Really? What was he, a psychic? I wasn't even facing him!

"Liliana.....she is beautiful." I perfectly changed the words of the sentence. Well, she was beautiful, like really pretty but that wasn't my concern. I just happened to not know how to say it.

"That wasn't what you wanted to say." He stated like he was sure that he was right. Well....he was right!

"Fine. I— I'm not sure." I pulled away from his hold and shrugged.


"About Liliana. I mean she didn't come back all these years and now she is being so good and everything......" I trailed off, hoping he understood my point.

"You think she has some motive." A sigh left my lips at his words.

"I don't know....but we can never be too sure." I said while fidgeting with my fingers. I don't know what it was but I had this nagging feeling which I couldn't just get rid off.

"Fine. I'll find out if there's something, okay?" He lightly gripped my chin, making me look up at him. I stared into his eyes before nodding.

His eyes fell on my lips causing me to gulp lightly. He inched closer till I could feel his warm breath on my lips. I felt the jolt of electricity pass through me as he pressed his lips against mine and just like that all thoughts flew out the window momentarily.


"You're not listening." Hannah accused when I had spaced out for the third time this afternoon.

"Yeah—I uhh—" She cut my fumbling off

"Zoned out? Yep! For the third time? Yep!" I lightly bit down on my lip and stared apologetically at her. Her accusations were true. I had been distracted a lot lately.

"I'm sorry." Her annoyed look turned into one of concern and she leaned forward.

"Is everything fine?" I nodded at her.

"Yeah. Absolutely.... I was just thinking about...a few things." She didn't look convinced, at all by what I could understand from that sly smirk on her face.

"Or Rylan Parker. You can say that you know! I mean if you are thinking about a very handsome husband of yours who is back at home, I would totally understand!" I narrowed my eyes at her before returning a smirk of my own.

"Of course you would! You find him very hot don't you?" She obviously got the reference as I saw her shrink back in her seat, her cheeks turning pink.

"Oh God! Don't even go there! I still feel so embarrassed!" I chuckled at that. Though I had embarrassed myself far more than her on that club night, there is no harm in enjoying the distress of a friend. My eyes darted towards the watch and that's when I realized that I had to get back home.

"I would really have to get going now. I promised Ava that we are going to watch a movie when I come back." I got up and she followed suit.

"Don't think that you're the only busy one here! I have a spa appointment." She made a dismissing gesture with a wave of her hand before we both chuckled.

"I'll see you." I said after we broke the hug.

"Yeah." I started walking towards the parking. Suddenly I felt someone grabbing my hand. Turning around I saw the last person I wanted to come across.

"Mason!" I harshly gritted and whisked my arm away from his grip.

"What are you doing here?" I saw him sigh before stepping forward.

"I wanted to meet you." I narrowed my eyes at his words as realization dawned upon me.

"Wait—You wanted to—You're stalking me!" I accused while taking a tentative step back.

"No—okay, I was here and I saw you. I wanted to talk to you alone. So I thought I will wait here." If he actually thought that pulling a pitiful face was earning him a single point then I had nothing to say.

"I had made it abundantly clear that I don't even want to see your face." I snarled at him and saw as irritation laced his features.

"You can stop it now, you know?" He snapped at me with an annoyed expression and I was confused.

"Stop what?"

"Acting like you actually don't feel for me anymore." Apparently I had a retard for an ex-boyfriend who still thought that he was irreplaceable no matter what he did!

"The only thing I feel for you is disgust." Even after snapping at him I could feel the anger rising in me.

"You think I'm convinced that you are happy in your marriage?" I pressed my lips together in absolute exasperation.

"And what you think should concern me, why?" I asked him with a blank stare.

"I know that you still love me the same way I love you." I blinked twice, taking in that he actually said that before a loud scoff left my mouth.

"If you think that....I still love you... then you're fucking delusional!" I shook my head at him.

"Tell me something. Why did you cheat? I mean you still love me so much!" I raised my brows mockingly.

"I made a mistake. I-I have no justification but—I'm sorry. I'm terribly sorry!" Boy could he act! Anyone would have literally believed him by the remorseful expression he had put on.

"Well done. I was almost convinced but you'll have to cut your show short. You see I wasted some good minutes on you and now I would like to leave." I tried to walk past him but his hands again gripped my arm, this time a bit harder.

"Mason, leave my hand!" I gritted out before I was roughly pushed against the wall. My hands flew up to rest on his chest.

"What are y—" I was cut off when he put his filthy mouth on mine.

"What are y—" I was cut off when he put his filthy mouth on mine

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