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It's beautiful! I wondered to myself. I didn't realize the words had come out loud.

"If this amazes you, let me show you another property. It's a ten minutes' ride from here."

"I don't want to see another property. This is everything I could ask for."

"You like it?" Rylan had been standing silently until now. We had been to two more properties before this and every time he had been quietly staring at my face, trying to read my thoughts.

My head whips around to face him. "Did you see the library?"

"That property has more amenities than this one." The agent pressed.

Rylan looked from his face to mine. "Want to take a look?"

"Do you?" I asked. He surely did have his preferences and I wasn't sure this one appealed to him as much as it did to me.

He lifted his shoulders in a shrug. "I'm fine with whatever you want, Love."

"Well, let's see. This one has a waterfall, a swimming pool, a huge ass lawn for our kids to play, an outdoor kitchen and did I mention the library? I think I'll manage."

Rylan stared at me, amusement glinting in those orbs.

"As you wish. This will be our home then."

"But Mr. Parker I would suggest we take a—"

"We made our decision." Rylan's words razored through his, Owen, was it? His tone was laced with a tone of finality. "Kindly get the papers ready."

"Of course." He scurried off, probably to make some calls. Another day I would've felt bad for him but having found the dream home was making me feel giddy.

"Tell me something." Rylan's voice pulls my attention back to him. More like his looming presence does. His front was pressed against my back, those enormous hands snaking their way around my waist.

"You said a huge ass lawn for our kids to play." I hum lowly waiting for him to continue.

"How many kids are we talking here, Love?"

Stop! Four years passed and still that nickname does something weird to my belly.

I cleared my throat and answered him. "I would say...a houseful? What do you think?"

His eyes gleam with mischief as he turns me around. I was pressed flush against him and yet it wasn't enough for Rylan. It seemed like he would mold me into him if he could.

"I think that's quite the target. We should get on with it."

I released a shaky breath as he nipped the skin along my jaw. "Right here?" Even If I had meant to tease him that came out more as a breathless moan.

"Well, if you want..."

Took a lot of willpower to restrain myself from giving in to his offer. "Shut up! Come on, let's go outside."

He tugged me back forcing me to stand exactly where we were before he pulled out something from his pocket. A bracelet. Blue diamond. Exactly like the one on my engagement ring. He secured it around my wrist.

"What are you..." I trailed off. I truly did lose my words the moment he bent a knee with my hand in his.

"Marry me."

Only two words. In simple plain English. Still my brain lagged to process them.


Rylan's thumb grazed my knuckles. His intense gaze made it impossible for me to tear my eyes away. "Marry me, Love. This time not because of any deals or contracts but because you want to."

Something Gained: A Billionaire Romance Where stories live. Discover now