Chapter 2: Beast and the Harlot

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The terrible excitement of the night before carried through to Fallyn's sleep, giving her a dreamless night and an early morning. Without meaning to, Fallyn woke up at four in the morning, ready to meet Julie Phillips.

The benefit to this mixup was that Addison looked pleasantly surprised when Fallyn showed up at her door with a danish and a piping hot cup of coffee in her hands.

"You're prompt," Addison remarked, impressed. There was no indication of the night she'd had— the adultery or the alcohol. Addison was dressed up perfect, with hair and makeup to match. Fallyn felt wildly inadequate in comparison.

"I didn't want to disappoint you!" Fallyn chirped. She brandished the coffee and danish at Addison. "This is for you, by the way. I've got cream and sugar, too."

"Nice job," Addison said, taking the treats from Fallyn. She swirled the coffee around in her hand before taking a sip, humming appreciatively as she swallowed. "I'm glad the time difference didn't get to you. Three hours isn't much, but we got in late last night. Are you ready?"

Addison got in much later last night, but Fallyn didn't mention that. "Yes ma'am."

Fallyn moved aside to let Addison take the lead. They walked down the hall and out of the hotel in silence. When they got outside, a cab was waiting for them, and they were silent on the drive over, too. Fallyn was feeling the silence by the time they got to the hospital, though she was quickly overwhelmed by awe and anxiety as they got out of the cab.

"It's a beautiful hospital," she said, staring up at it. The front was covered in windows; she would have loved to stand inside it during golden hour.

Addison glanced at the hospital like she couldn't give less of a damn. Of course, she'd been at Seattle Grace just the night before. "I assigned Grey to my service today," she said rather abruptly. "Do you think that was wrong of me?"

Fallyn tore her eyes away from the hospital to give Addison a questioning look. "Who's Grey?"

"The woman who's sleeping with my husband."

A gasp tore its way out of Fallyn's throat. She clapped her hand over her mouth, but the damage was already done. Looking sheepishly at Addison she said, "Whatever you think is best, ma'am. I trust your judgment."

Addison just laughed. "You think I'm crazy. And maybe I am. It definitely is a crazy thing to do— assigning your husband's mistress to your service. And for what? So I can torture her all day?"

"I trust your judgment." Fallyn smiled tightly.

But she felt a prickle of anxiety as she walked behind Addison into the hospital. Seattle Grace was just as beautiful as she'd been expecting— all those windows— but they didn't stop to enjoy it. They made a beeline for the elevator, then went several floors up, to the surgical wing.

"You can change in there," said Addison, pointing to a room labeled Intern Locker Room, which, technically, Fallyn was. Though not for Seattle Grace. "I'll let Richard know we're here."

They parted ways, Addison further down the hall and Fallyn into the locker room. It was mostly empty, thankfully, and she found a pair of scrubs to change into easily enough. She put her everyday clothes in an open, empty, and hopefully unclaimed locker by the door, along with her purse. Fallyn left the locker room without talking to a single person, thankfully.

When she entered back into the surgical wing, feeling more like a part of it than she had before she got changed, Fallyn found her mentor relatively easily. She was dressed in a set of salmon scrubs, locked in conversation with two men and a pretty young woman that Fallyn suspected was Grey.

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