Chapter 8: Boulevard of Broken Dreams

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When Fallyn went up to the NICU to take baby pictures for Dorie, she was disappointed to find that she wasn't alone. Alex's intern group was there, sans Alex.

They all looked at her when she came in. Fallyn knew Izzie and Meredith— kind of— but the other two weren't hard to figure out either. The man standing by Lucy's isolette was O'Malley, Alex hated him; the woman standing by Julie was Yang. Alex hated her too.

None of them looked happy to see her. A little confused, mixed with something like disdain. Like she was a stranger who'd just sat down at their lunch table without asking.

Alex had once asked her why she avoided his friends like the plague. The answer was quite simple: they were intimidating as hell.

Fallyn smiled in spite of this, big and fake as she could muster. "I'm just taking pictures for the mother," she said. Her voice got all pitchy when she was being fake nice; it was an obvious tell and she hated it.

"My quint is the best, don't you think?" Asked O'Malley as Fallyn approached. He stepped aside so she could take the picture, but still gazed lovingly into the incubator at Lucy. "She's smiling. Don't you see her smiling?"

It was a silly question, but Fallyn didn't mind silly. "She has to smile for the camera," she replied, relieved. O'Malley wasn't mean at all.

Izzie looked over from her place by Emily. "She's nine hours old, George."

"Charlotte is the best," said Meredith absently as Fallyn walked to her isolette. She moved away, just a little. "She has forehead wrinkles. Very smart."

Fallyn moved over to Yang's incubator. Yang didn't move for Fallyn, just looked at her with blank eyes as she took the picture at an awkward angle. Fallyn wanted to cry from embarrassment— she was just doing her job!

"It's not a competition," Izzie said. "And if it was, my quint would kick your quints' asses."

That was definitely against hospital policy— baby fighting. But Fallyn had to admit that Emily was very photogenic. Fallyn smiled faintly.

"Julie has her organs on the outside of her body and she's still alive, thank you," said Yang.

That was a good point. Fallyn had tried to keep the bandaged sack of external organs out of the picture, but it hadn't been easy. Dorie knew about her condition, but knowing and seeing were two different things. She didn't want to freak her out unnecessarily.

"Kate's the best," Alex said, walking into the room.

Izzie didn't miss a beat. "Leave."

So she was mad about the bad sex. Fallyn remembered her earlier conversation with Alex with embarrassment and a hint of dread, and the feeling of dread only worsened as Alex made a beeline for her.

"Hey!" She cried when he snatched the camera from her hands. He leaned into Kate's isolette, took a picture, and showed it to Fallyn. It was irritatingly good.

She couldn't stop him from walking out with Dorie's camera, could only scurry off behind him, horribly aware of the other interns watching her go.

"That's not my camera," she told Alex, walking into the hallway. It was mostly empty in preparation for the night shift, which made hurrying after him easy. He wasn't that much taller than her, anyways, and she caught up to him halfway down the hall with the power of her neuroses. "It belongs to Dorie!"

Alex handed the camera back to her with shocking ease. She'd expected more of a fight.

"I cheated on her," he said.

"On Izzie?"

Alex nodded.

"Alex!" He winced like a dog that had been bopped on the nose. Fallyn genuinely considered smacking him. "With who?"

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