a lot can happen in the dark

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"Lauren, how many gummy worms can you fit in your mouth?"

Billie Eilish, world famous superstar, nudged me with her elbow as she dangled a bag of candy in my face. I sighed, shaking my head.


She rolled her bright blue eyes with an exaggerated sigh of her own. "So boring."

"I just brushed my teeth," I said with a yawn, stretching out on her bed. "I'm getting sleepy."

"Yeah, yeah," she groaned, getting up and heading for the bathroom. "Forgot you're so old."

I chuckled, watching her close the door. I was a little bit older than her, but only by a couple of years. She and I had met when I was on her last tour, where I worked as a lighting technician. We'd struck up an easy friendship after she'd consulted me about some ideas she'd had for her performance. After that we spent most meal times together during tour, and often hung out before and after the show.

Tour was over now, and it turned out she'd missed me. She'd called me up a couple days ago and asked me to hang out, and I'd jumped at the chance. I liked Billie. Our friendship came easy, and we always had the best time together.

She wandered out of the bathroom, drying her freshly washed face on a towel. Since we didn't live super close, she'd invited me to stay the night. Now I kept a close eye on my phone as she readied herself for bed.

"Storm's still moving in," I muttered, eyeing the Doppler. "Should hit us soon."

Thunderstorms weren't common in Southern California; we usually got things like droughts, forest fires, and earthquakes. But every now and then we got treated to one, and I was a wreck every time. Having grown up in the midwest, very near tornado alley, I knew just how much damage a big storm could do.

"Hope the power doesn't go out," Billie said quietly, and I glanced at her. Her tone made me nervous.

"Would that be... bad?"

She swallowed and ran her hand through her long hair. "Umm... it wouldn't be great."

I suddenly remembered the time we'd gone below the stage to check on some equipment I needed in order to attempt a lighting change. She'd clung close to me as we'd navigated the dark tunnel, her perfume filling my nose and her cold little fingers digging into my side.

"It probably won't," I lied reassuringly, watching the angry colors swirl across my phone screen. "And if it does, I got you, boo."

She rolled her eyes at me, but scooted next to me in the bed, as close as she could without actually cuddling. I pressed back against her warmth, and reached for the lamp with my other arm.

"No!" Billie half-shouted. "I mean... Just dim it, okay?"

I nodded, and turned the little switch on the side, so the lamp light lowered, but didn't go all the way out. Then I laid back down, finding Billie practically beneath me. She tucked her little body under my left shoulder, and I settled in.

"This is... cozy," I muttered, not hating it.

"Is it okay?" She asked, voice small in the dark.

"Yeah," I nodded mildly. "Haven't dated anyone in a while, so."

She smacked my shoulder. "Fuck off."

I giggled. "I'm serious! I'm starved for some cuddles."

"Okay, then," she laughed, and turned her body all the way in toward me, wrapping her arms around my torso and her legs around mine. "How's this?"

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