Chapter 3 Daybreak

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I wake up to the smell of the morning air, as I quietly step out of the apprentice den the smell of the air is quite soothing I head over to the fresh-kill pile and grab a frog and I start to eat. "Up early I see" I turn around to see Dirtscar staring at me "Yeah I figured I'd show some initiative," I say trying to sound wise though I'm sure it doesn't come off that way "well ill leave you to it then I'm sure Longfang has some plans with you" he says as he grabs a vole from the pile "actually I was wondering if you know where Tortoisepaw went after the ceremony I couldn't find her?" I ask hopeful for an answer Dirtscar puts down the prey and states "Yes well we went to the medicine den to prep for her new lifestyle becoming a medicine cat, it is a long and strenuous process." he gives me a curt nod, and takes the prey back to his den something about him irks me the wrong way but I shake off the feeling when I see Longfang approach me "glad to see the initiative hope you're ready to see what's outside the camp" she says with a hint of excitement I see, quickly finishing up my food and I begin to head towards the exit of camp while I wait for Longfang to finish her meal, I look out at the camp hoping to see at least a glimpse of Tortoisepaw but with no luck however one of the apprentices from last night comes up to me. I think it's stonepaw if I remember correctly "Looks like you're trying outshow us other apprentices already" Stonepaw says with a little annoyance in his tone I try to shrug it off I don't want to start problems on my first day "its nothing to worry about I'm just trying to show.." Stonepaw cuts me off before I finish "Yeah it is nothing to worry about, my warrior assessment is today and I don't need a half-breed ruining it today. Get me." he says more aggressively I take a step back shocked I never knew my father, mom always said that he was Swantalon a warrior who died to an alligator during a hunting patrol no one disputed that fact they were close from what she told me "hey I'm not a half-breed I'm a true mudclan cat!" I retort back he just snorts and says "Whatever you need to tell yourself at night" As he bumps past me through the exit I shake off my feelings as Longfang comes over "Everything alright sounded a little loud there," she asks I shake my head "everything is good just meeting my den mates" I lie "alright then let's get moving then.

as we move out of the camp the ground begins to sink, as I feel the mud and water touch my paws we make our way through the marsh's as Longfang describes the territory "this land was founded by our ancestors and we've guarded with our lives, the mud is not just a name for our clan but a symbol, we use it as camouflage and even for great battles just as Eaglestar intended the founding leader of our clan. When you go through your warrior assessment you will be called to wear the mark of mud just as Eaglestar did during the founding war that created the clans we live near today." she is very delicate with words and I appreciate her thoroughness as we continue I learn how to scent marks and she even showed me some basic hunting techniques, as we head back towards the camp I notice a brown and white pelt that has to be Tortoisepaw i look to see if Longface is paying attention she then says "we'll do a quick hunt, you go and try that technique I showed you and meet back here and remember to watch out for gator nests" I simply nod and head off to where I saw Tortoisepaw I do my best to be quiet as I go into a hunting crouch that Longfang showed me, I follow her scent and eventually come to a mucky area of the marsh right near the river. As see Tortoisepaw and an unfamiliar cat he has no scent, I move closer to hear what he's saying to her "wow a medicine cat that's pretty crazy kiddo they should have made you a warrior in my opinion" he says with a chuckle he's a darker brown tom and he seems to have some strange leaf around his neck something I've never seen before "I know Dirtscar is so weird, and I hate having to learn these stupid herbs at least I have you to talk too Buddy and those fighting moves you showed me were amazing." Tortoisepaw says with excitement I cant believe this I have to get back and tell Longfang.

 As I take a step back I hear a silent growling sound as I turn to see an alligator pouncing towards me, and with a sudden word I hear "look out mouse brain" as I get shoved to the side with no time to react. I get covered in mud and roll down the hill I land in the river the only thing I can yell out is "Tortoisepaw!" as water floods my mouth as the current pulls me in I try to escape, but its no use when my head hits something and blood flows out of my head I start to black out. I feel strange as I'm walking in a black void, only to step out and see cats shimmering in starlight they look to me as if they know me "Mudpaw this path you were born on will challenge you, break you, but please hear our words, through mud and shame a twist of light will be your game hold fast and true as a leader will not shed any blood for you, the Eclipse of suns will cloud the sky and war unlike all will ravage the clans. this is the words of Starclan Mudpaw head them" before I could say anything a volt of shock wakes me up. As I look up from where I am I find myself in a unfamiliar place I see herbs on the side of the den, as a black and white cat comes through the den with blues eyes like diamonds. We both stare at each other in silence for a few minute's he looks at me as if he knows me then he finally speaks, "I'm sorry my name is Snowear welcome to Sunclan." I've heard only rumors of sunclan the expansionist clan of sun warriors who subjugated creekclan after their defeat in the 3 moon war not friends I gather. I try to stand up but my head begins to throb with pain and forces me to layback down "apologies but your head is far to injured to travel you'll have to stay here to recuperate" snowear explains "but my clan needs me" I argue "and they will, but not as a dead cat walking try now to relax I'm going to put some moss on the wound to sooth the pain" as he puts the moss on me it is quite comforting what am I to do though that strange cat and that message from star clan I must talk to Dirtscar or Gatorstar someone I can trust, "ah let me introudce you to brightstar leader of sunclan" as snowear presents the glorious monster.                                      

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