Chapter 26. The physical exam

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Once you'd found out you'd passed your written exams it was time for the physical

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Once you'd found out you'd passed your written exams it was time for the physical.

You were with 1a in your hero costumes at a training centre, along with the teachers, like a lot more teachers than there usually is.

However this made sense once principle nezu had stated we were put into groups and we're going to fight a teacher.

Your partners were tokoyami and tsu, your opponent was Ectoplasm. Mainly you were partnered due to the 'similarities' of your quirks, which actually weren't that similar, I mean they had more physical features like their animal, tokoyami literally has a bird head and tsu a frong tounge, you just looked.. normal? You didn't have 8 legs and you weren't hairy.

It was finally your round. You had to either capture or escape. You were definitely going to capture this guy.

You started In the middle of the stage.

"To escape we'd have to go through the designated gate right? Which means the teachers probably there waiting for us." Tsu guessed.

"Team Parker, Asiu & Tokoyami. Practical exam. Ready? GO." They clarified.

With that multiple clones of ectoplasm spawned around the three of you.

"Maybe you didn't understand that we teachers are trying to crush you with everything we've got, no holding back." He tried to scare us, and they gasped, but you weren't scared of a few clones.

"Enough talk big man" you smirked under your mask as you go into a fighting position to the clones infront of you while they turned around.

"Steel your nerves, show me your resolve." He retorted. As they lunged at us. You slung multiple webs as them and held the beginning of the webs and slung them to the wall, making them ..disintegrate?

You then shot a web to wrap around the large pillar when you noticed tsu did the same with her tongue. You squatted next to tsu who pulled up tokoyami.

"I'm glad we devised a plan before." Tsu said, looking both ways to clarify to the both of you.

"But do we really have to run? I wanted to face this guy" you sulked white running with them.

"Yes Spidergirl, it's the easiest escape & win, fighting would be pointless, he's more experienced and stronger." Tokoyami replied seriously and you groaned.

You continued to run until more clones had been put in your area. You silently pumped your fist in and out, you didn't practise for nothing after all.

You easily fought some off while tokoyami and black shadow struggled.

"There's no end to them" tsu stressed as they continued to grow toward us.

"Just continue moving" tokoyami suggested sternly.

"Hey guys look, that's the goal, which means that's probably his real body down there." She pointed out to you two.

"Excellent job getting past my clones, but tell me, what will you do agains this?" He asked as he opened up his mouth and released out the ectosplasm that created the clones.

And unexpectedly, not multiple clones popped up, one massive one appeared and roared as if we were prey to the preditor.

"I can't make new clones but as long as I have you captured this one is all I need!" He said as he actually took a bite at the story you stood at.

"TSU WATCH OUT!" You yelled and knew her reaction wasn't going to be quick enough so you shot a web and it attached to her suit, you pulled it back to you pulling her along with it. Tokoyami had fully moved out of the way and also had a look of worry for tsu. Who was untouched, but nearly eaten by a giant clone.

However now he has disintegrated that large clone and we were all stuck into the ectoplasm.

"Only I can get rid of this behemoth, so what is your plan?" He asked

"His quirk is was to powerful HEY SO AM I dark shadow? You just have to get through that gate!!" Tokoyami switched between himself and dark shadow.

You and tsu looked to eachother before watching dark shadow. Who began to attack ectoplasm.

"Call dark shadow back, I have something for you to give him." Tsu looked to tokoyami.

"Asui, what do you mean?" He asked, also making you now intrigued.

"Please don't watch me! Mr ectoplasm will notice, plus besides, it's really gross to see me do this" she stressed.

'Oooooh' you thought to yourself, now you understood what she was doing.

Tokoyami had called dark shodow back and tsu had emptied her stomach. Where she's swallowed the cuffs. SHES A GENIUS.

she'd given them to dark shadow and he'd flown back down to cuff ectoplasm. And with that, you'd passed. It's a bummer you didn't catch him yourself though.

"Team parker, asui and tokoyami has passed the final, good job."

You'd gotten back to the base with the others, you didn't have any injuries you needed checked and walked past a couple of people who congratulated you, however you also heard izuku rambling to Ochaco.

"The spider, the frog and the bird! What a great team!! Well dark shadow too! But I meant him in the first place-" he continued to waffle as you continued to walk to find mina.

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