Chapter 2

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Pic: Kale^^^


 A guilty looking Hunter flew by me as I attempted to enter my bedroom. I glared after him for only a moment, guessing what might have occurred between my cousin and my best friend while I was gone. I was an idiot, sending Hunter up to bring Jay the ice I was meant to get for him. And from what I could tell, Jay was laying in my bed in nothing but his boxer briefs - a view Hunter had no right seeing. 

"What's his problem?" I questioned, hoping for Jay to tell me in some way that nothing happened between them. I resented my mother calling me down to help in the coffee shop below our apartment immensely right now. I was quick to close my bedroom door, hoping it would pose as a warning for Hunter to keep out for the rest of the night.

"I have no idea." he sighed sadly and I hoped more than anything in this world that meant that Hunter had kept his promise.

"Sorry for not bringing you the ice myself." I apologized but Jay was quick to reply, "No it's fine."

I grimaced, hiding the hurt and frustration I felt behind my shirt as I took my time pulling it over my head. He had no qualms about me not being the one to bring him the ice. If anything he probably resented me for disturbing his time with Hunter as much as I resented my mother for giving them an excuse for any moment to even happen.

"Move over." I grunted out, more forcefully than I intended but he seemed too consumed in his thoughts to notice, doing as I asked leisurely. He was always too consumed in something to notice - too consumed in Hunter in some way or another. I blew out all the air in my lungs in one big frustrated huff of breath before dropping my pants and shoving my way into my bed. I faced Jay as he stared dreamily up at the ceiling in my dark room, thinking this was how we were going to fall asleep - him dreaming of Hunter while I dreamt of him. However, he eventually snapped out of his thought and turned to me.

"You smell like coffee." he stated and I sighed. "You want me to go shower?" I asked, idiotically willing to do anything he asked of me.

"No. I like it." he smiled, scooting closer, pulling my arms around him.

"It's comforting." he mumbled against my chest and I shuddered. He had no clue of the effect he had on me. I smiled as I tightened my arms around his back, pulling him closer. Moments like these made me actually believe I might have something over Hunter - he would never hold Jay like I do.

"How's your cheek?" I asked, glancing down at him as he cutely hid himself in the crook of my neck. 

"Fine." He grunted out, breath skimming delightfully across the bare, sensitive skin below my ear. I grinned. Hunter would never have this.


I took my time showering since I was the first awake in the apartment. I always rose with the sun unless I'd fallen asleep with it. I was giddy and hyper while I brushed my teeth and shaved, having slept peacefully, wrapped in Jay's arms. I'd have him move in with us if it meant going to sleep like I did last night, every night. But I wasn't an idiot. I knew if he was here long enough, he'd build up the courage to make a move on Hunter. But a part of me - a very optimistic part - believed that maybe he would learn to love me instead.

I got dressed for the school day, my hair still dripping slightly, before climbing back into my bed beside a lightly snoring Jay. I took in the moment for longer than was probably acceptable before shaking him lightly.

"Jay." I called, chuckling as his eyes half opened before he curled in on himself, groaning the whole time. He really was so freaking cute.

"You've showered already?" He grunted out, his voice a deep rasp, full of disbelief. "Why do you wake up so early?" His face scrunched up in pain at just the thought of waking up that early. Obviously, Jay wasn't a morning person like I was - he was more of a night owl.

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