Chapter 6 Twilight

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I walk about the forest trying to clear my mind from last night's gathering if Gatorstar already knew then that means the worst, we have a spy who would betray the clan it just doesn't make sense everyone I know wouldn't even dream of it. Being a leader is strenuous I let out a loud sigh I start walking towards the river that leads to the border between mudclan Maybe I should just focus on getting Mudpaw out of the clan everything he sees he'll probably just report back to Gatorstar and having one spy is hard enough as is. As I reach the river I pad my paws in the shallow bit letting the water flow through my pads the feeling is calming "excuse me" as I look to the mysteries voice I see a cat across the river his coat is a dark brown and he has the collar of some kind, clearly is a kittypet. "Sorry I didn't mean to disrupt your flow but I wanted to say hi, the names Buddy" he exclaims as if were already friends "look here, Buddy, this is sunclan territory if you don't leave ill have to scratch your head off" I challenge his face goes from friendly to a more serious look "apologies I was just trying to find some cat who could help, Theres this cat I found by the marsh's says he's from sunclan. Told me to find Brightstar I think he said his name was Whiteclaw" he says with concern Whiteclaw that's Ratpaws mentor oh no "show me" I say with determination to find out what's going on, Buddy leads me along the river near the edge of mudclans borders when we finally stop "I told him to rest right here,  where'd he go?" Buddy says with confusion as he look's around I start to smell the area and catch the scent of multiple cats but the origin of the smell is off its like mud or dirt is blocking it as Buddy jumps back I rush over to see a black pelted cat with white paws laying dea, scars and multiple wounds are etched into his body almost as if on purpose could mudclan have done this?! 

Me and Buddy are able to pull his body out of the bushes "Did he say anything else to you before you left." I ask with anguish in my voice Buddy just says "Only that mudclan is coming." My eyes widen with intensity mudclan why, I turn too look at Buddy "thank you I appreciate you finding one of his kin" I say with a respectful bow "no problem I'm sorry we couldn't get here in time do you need help with getting the body back to your clan?" He asks my mind is shaking I just nod I just need to talk with Spanglecloud, It takes some time but we manage to start carrying the body. The walk is silent with all that's happening would it be a good idea to even let that mudclan patrol come to camp what if its just a trick to launch an attack, I shake my head, to much to much I try to clear my head as we enter the camp as I step through I see my clan talking about I even see Mudpaw out of the medcine den talking with Ratpaw until a scream, "is that Whiteclaw!" I place the body on the ground and yell "we all need to have a talk, everyone gather around for a clan meeting!"

I jump on the Highrock as cats come closer "attention sunclan their has been unfortunate news a death has reached the clan, Whiteclaw was found dead near the river by mudclans territory!" I say booming my voice across  the camp, a cat chimes in "did mudclan do this!?" more mummering in the crowd "we don't know the extent of his death" I sigh "but to be safe for the whole clan, I've decided it be best that Mudpaw goes with the mudclan patrol back to his clan." The cats around me look more reassured about the idea when Snowear says "but his wound we've now been able to get him on his feet perhaps one day more and we ca.." I cut him off "Dirtscar will be their with the patrol he'll be fine, we've wasted enough resources on this cat" Snowear stays quiet knowing he cant change my mind "now if that is all, those who've known Whiteclaw may be able to mourn his death. In life he was great warrior and loyal to a fault I hope he is hunting in starclan." I say as I jump down from the high rock and pay my respects to Whiteclaw as I do I notice Ratpaw leaving Mudpaws side his face looking of disappointment and sadness as Ratpaw comes over and bows her head in silence, I get up and walk to Buddy who has been standing near the exit of the camp. "Hey Buddy I want to say thank you for what you did, Whiteclaw was missing for a moon I'm glad we can get closure" Buddy doesn't say anything in fact his face seems indifferent, till he finally speaks up. "Its no big deal I'm just sad we couldn't save him" he says his face turning more down trodden "you did the best you could in this situation" I say trying to cheer him up as spanglecloud comes into the camp from his morning patrol he looks to me and Buddy with confusion then sees Whiteclaws body and looks back to me looking for an answer it seems, "we need to talk" I say as I lead him to my den for privacy.

 "what is going on Brightstar?!" his voice sounding urgent with a hint of annoyance I explain Buddy and finding Whiteclaws body and the threat that could be mudclan. I wait for a response but he doesnt say anything just look back at the clan and finally says "why did you make deputy?" he asks the response was not what I was expecting I simply say "because of your wisdom you fought in the 3 moon war you are the eldest warrior of the clan, and you were my fathers best friend" I state "you want my wisdom Brightstar, here it is gain control back, you've been letting your emotions get the better of you, look around you we have two strange cats in our camp one of which we don't even know the origin of and the other from a rival clan what are you thinking!" he exclaims as I try to speak "well..I just uh thought.." "you didn't think, you felt and now mudclan is growing more arrogant. They tested your reaction at the gathering and got you riled up now theirs a whole patrol coming to the camp, this madness." I stammer not knowing what to say "you need to start acting like your father and take this fight back" I finally snap after hearing mention of my father "I don't want to be my father, the 3 moon war was his burden and he forced it on his only son! Now I'm left with the pieces, their will not be a fight I will not allow it." I say the pain leaving my voice Spanglecloud doesn't say anything after that, he just shakes his head and turns his back before he leaves he says "your right you'll never be your father he at least knew where his loyalties lie" as he storms off towards Honeyfur I sit down looking at the dirt I can never escape you can I.

As I sit their I hear a voice its honeyfur "you okay Brightstar, Spanglecloud told me you needed me" her voice is soft and calming the only good thing about today I look up at her. Our eyes meeting each others "can you sit with me for a bit" I say sounding defeated she doesn't say anything she just sits next too me as she puts her pelt against me the warmth filling me with comfort, as her tail wraps around mine "you want talk about what happened?" she asks, the concern in her voice as if trying to calm a kit, I suppose that's how I feel just like a kit looking for their mothers milk. "Do you think I am worthy to be a leader? only chosen because of blood." I ask not expecting an answer, she gives me a lick on the cheek and says "I think any cat can be worthy, blood or not your father chose you for a reason your heart, your kindness, its the reason your perfect for the role" I look at her a face filled with truth but it feels false to me "but what if its holding me back Spanglecloud said.."  before I can finish she interrupts. "Spanglecloud doesn't see the good it has, he has seen so much war since he was a kit he never had time to find it, that's what make him a good warrior but its not what should be in a leader. All you need to do is find the balance with it" her words are comforting to hear "Honeyfur I need to tell you something" her eyes light up with anticipation "I need to tell you that out of all the cats in this clan I think, I think, I lo.." before I can finish Emberclaw comes over and yells "Brightstar we need you now!" I get up annoyed "what's happening!?" I say urgently "its Spanglecloud he's about to fight that mudclan cat!" my eyes widen oh no.        

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