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After Carly's argument with Spencer over the mystery girl of his love interest the mystery girl opens the door Carly sees her an turns to Spencer saying really with tears in her eyes an storms out the door to run down to her an Freddie's apartment in tears

Carly's heart raced as the door swung open, revealing the mystery girl. The truth hit her like a tidal wave, and with tears in her eyes, she turned to Spencer. "Really?" she whispered. Unable to bear the pain, Carly stormed out the door, tears streaming down her face. She ran down to Freddie's apartment, seeking solace and understanding.

Carly slammed the door open to her and Freddie's apartment. Freddie, sensing her distress, quickly reacted, concern etched on his face.

Freddie: "Carly, babe, are you okay? What happened with Spencer?"

Carly, wiping away tears: "I can't believe it, Freddie. The mystery girl... it's too much. I just need someone to talk to."

Freddie, gently holding her: "I'm here for you, Carly. Take your time, and we can talk about it. What happened with Spencer?"

Freddie, worried, urged Carly to calm down.

Freddie: "Breathe, babe, breathe. I hate seeing you like this. And don't forget about Grace in that belly; we can't have you stressing out so much."

Carly, taking a deep breath: "I just never expected this, Freddie. Spencer and the mystery girl... I feel betrayed."

Freddie, supporting her: "I understand, Carly. Let's focus on you and Grace right now. We'll figure out the rest together. You're not alone in this."

Freddie, concerned, pressed Carly for details.

Freddie: "Carly, what happened? Who's the girl?"

Carly, frustration evident: "I don't even want to say who it is. I'm so pissed, Freddie. How could Spencer do this?"

Freddie, supporting her: "Whatever it is, we'll navigate through it together. You can tell me when you're ready. I've got your back."

Freddie, seeing Carly's tears, moved closer to comfort her.

Freddie: "Hey, it's okay. Let it out."

Carly, tears streaming down her face: "I just never expected this, Freddie. It hurts so much."

Freddie, gently wiping her tears: "I know, Carly. It's tough. But remember, you're not alone. I'm here for you, and we'll get through this together. Take your time; I've got you."

Carly, sharing her realization with Freddie:

Carly: "I know this girl doesn't love Spencer, that's the thing. It's just... complicated."

Freddie, nodding: "Complicated or not, Carly, we'll figure it out. Trust me, we always do. What matters right now is how you're feeling. I'm here for you."

Freddie and Carly are interrupted by a knock at the front door.

Freddie, getting up from the couch: "Who could that be?"

Carly, concerned: "I don't know."

Freddie checks the peephole and sees Spencer.

Spencer, outside: "Carly kiddo, can we talk?"

Carly, shaking her head: "No, Freddie, not now."

Freddie opens the door, facing Spencer.

Freddie: "Spencer, it's really not a good time."

Spencer, determined: "She's my sister, Freddie. I need to talk to her."

Freddie, firm: "Not tonight, Spencer. Carly needs some space. Let's give her that."

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