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The next morning, Carly wakes up to a new day, uncertain of what lies ahead. As she contemplates the recent events, Spencer's actions, and the complexities of their relationships, she knows that conversations and decisions must be made. Carly and Freddie share a quiet morning, navigating the uncharted territory of their evolving connection and preparing for the doctor's appointment that awaits them. The day unfolds, bringing challenges, resolutions, and perhaps unexpected twists, setting the stage for the next chapter in their intertwined lives.

Freddie is already up in the bedroom when Carly wakes up.

Freddie, smiling: "Good morning, Carly. How did you sleep?"

Carly, stretching: "Morning, Freddie. Considering everything, not too bad. What's the plan for today?"

Freddie, sitting up: "Well, we've got that doctor's appointment for Grace. I thought we could take it one step at a time and figure things out together."

As they navigate the morning, their connection remains a source of support amid the uncertainty that lies ahead.

Carly realizes she forgot about the doctor's appointment.

Carly: "Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me. It slipped my mind already."

Freddie, understanding: "No worries, Carly. It happens. We'll be there for Grace, and we'll tackle everything together."

As they prepare for the day, the reminder of the upcoming appointment brings a mix of anticipation and a touch of nervousness for Carly and Freddie.

Freddie asks Carly about talking to Spencer, and Carly shares her feelings.

Freddie: "Are you wanting to talk to Spencer today?"

Carly, reflecting: "Not really. He really hurt me, Freddie. I'm not sure I'm ready to face that conversation just yet."

Freddie, understanding: "Take your time, Carly. Whenever you're ready, we'll navigate this together. Grace and you come first."

As they discuss the day ahead, the emotional complexities linger, emphasizing the importance of patience and support.

Freddie, curious, asks Carly about the mystery girl.

Freddie: "Who's the girl, Carly?"

Carly, sighing: "It's Veronica, Freddie. The girl that turned him down multiple times but only seemed to like him when he had his tuxedo on."

Freddie, eyebrows raised: "Veronica? Seriously? That's... unexpected."

Carly, nodding: "Yeah, I know. It's complicated, Freddie. I never thought he'd actually go for it."

The revelation adds another layer to the unfolding situation, leaving Freddie processing the unexpected turn of events.

Carly shares her perspective on Veronica's feelings for Spencer.

Carly: "I believe she doesn't actually love him, Freddie. It seems more like a fascination or attraction to a certain image he portrayed."

Freddie, nodding: "Yeah, it does sound a bit superficial. Relationships built on genuine connections tend to be more meaningful."

Carly, thoughtful: "Exactly. I just hope Spencer realizes that and understands the impact of his choices."

Their conversation delves into the complexities of relationships and the importance of authenticity in love.

Freddie expresses his concern, questioning if Veronica might be using Spencer.

Freddie: "Do you think she's using him, Carly?"

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