Chapter 8 - Revealing My Identity and Joining the Club Part 2

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Previously on The Lost Son of Lucifuge

Issei: Then I should begin by fully introducing myself, my name is Issei Lucias Lucifuge-Hyoudou.

When he mentioned the fact that he's a member of the Lucifuge family the room froze and while there was an attempt to refute it , said attempt was shutdown when he released his illusion magic showing his silver hair along with his red tinged silver eyes and and Ice and Lightning magic .

To say that the 2 Satan's were shocked would be an understatement, but the person most shocked was Grayfia who thought after her brother's death that she was the last remaining member of the family.

Then Issei carried on

Issei: I know that you must be shocked to hear this from me but what I'm saying is the truth , my father is Euclid Lucifuge and mother is Anna Glaysa-Labolas, I was born towards the end of the Civil War and was sealed away to keep me safe, but the was an accident when I was sealed away , they was an error with the seal which ended up turning me from a Pure Blooded Devil into a Devil-Human Hybrid.

The room was in stunned silence as Issei mentioned who his father was , Grayfia could not hold it anymore and began crying, finding out the boy who caused the largest energy surge in over 500 years was her nephew, she ended up hugging and checking him which confirmed the similarities between Euclid and Issei ,signifying that he indeed is Euclid's son ,Serafall and Sirzechs were stunned to say the very least they didn't have words as they found a descendent of a dying household and he was right under their noses.

Present Time

As Issei revealed that he's infact a Super Devil, the room was in shock at the fact that the boy infront of them is at the same caliber as Sirzechs.

At this point Sona chimes in with a question

Sona: So what are you going to do now Issei?

Issei: The first thing would be I'd need to go to the Underworld and get my Evil Pieces and Rias.

Rias: Yes Issei?

Issei: I'd like to join your club, so that I could get learn a bit more from you guys and have your back should something go sideways

Rias replied with a smile and nodded

Rias: Consider it done

After that Issei began to catch up with his aunt Grayfia and they has agreed on Grayfia teaching him some more Ice Spells, she was so happy having found another member of her family and it was a nephew she never knew she had

Sirzechs ,Serafall and Grayfia then left leaving Rias, her peerage, Sona and Issei all alone.

Issei: So I guess I can come over tomorrow to start with club activities right?

Rias: Yes, you can start with club activities tomorrow. Also Issei I would like to apologise for letting that rogue fallen angel roam around Kuoh, I should have been more diligent and confirmed and eliminated them

Issei forgave and left the ORC and headed home and didn't hide his silver hair and eyes from his parents that were shocked and wondered what happened, Issei then explained the situation including the fact that they found his Paternal Aunt and the fact that he is a devil

They were shocked to say the least but told Issei that they still loved him whether he's a human or not what matters is that he is their son.

The Next Day

Issei decides to go to school in his natural silver hair colour, which garnered the attention of the students at Kuoh Academy

RG 1 : Who's that Boy?

RG 2 : He's so hot, better looking that Kiba-sama?

RB 1 : Another Prince, seriously?

RB 2 : He's going to steal all the girls from us.

Issei just kept walking, keeping a stoic look on his face till he reached his class and the teacher was surprised thinking there's a new transfer student.

Teacher: Excuse me I don't think I received notice of a new transfer student

Issei: No sensei ,it's me Issei Hyoudou


The teacher is shocked at home Issei looked and asked him

Teacher: Wasn't your hair brown and you had brown eyes Hyoudou?

Issei: Well the reason my hair was brown is because I had dyed it brown,my hair is naturally silver ,while my eyes I wore brown contact lenses.

Teacher: Alright then every one settle down.

Timeskip to the end of the day

Kiba arrives in class to fetch Issei.

Kiba: Issei ,Rias requests your presence in the clubhouse.

Issei: Cool then let's go,

As they were heading to the clubhouse Kiba also apologised for allowing the fallen to roam around to which Issei forgave them and simply moved forward.

They arrived at the clubhouse to which they found Rias on a call as she had a communication circle over her ear , Koneko was seated eating chocolate and Akeno was preparing tea, Rias then ended the call saying

Rias: I have a message from the Archduke saying there's a stray devil in town, normally we would wait till the end of the day to deal with it , but I've been informed that this a matter of great importance that we have deal with it now.
Issei would you like to come, so I can also show you how peerages work?

Issei : Sure then let's go

And everyone headed to the site were the stray was presumed to be at.

Rias stepped forward saying

Rias: Stray Devil Viser ,you have strayed from your master and have committed one of the gravest crimes ,return to your master or face execution.

Viser: Oohhhh so they sent the red haired princess to deal with little old me, I can't wait to send you back in pieces.

Kiba then rushes forward with his sword slashing at Viser as Rias explains

Rias: Kiba is my Knight , his main weapon is a sword and focuses on his speed and technique

Koneko enters the fray , as Viser is going to crush her with her foot, she stops it.

Rias: Koneko is my Rook, her piece boosts both her offense and defense.

Akeno come in as Lightning crackles on her

Rias: Akeno is my Queen ,she has all attributes of a Pawn, Bishop ,Rook and Knight which makes her the second strongest piece

Akeno begins electrocuting Viser as she smiles doing it more

Rias: She's also a sadist. *As Issei sweatdrops and a large thud occurs in the background*

Akeno: Buchou I think we're done.

Rias: Any last words Viser?

Viser: Go to Hell!!!!!!!!!!

Rias: I live there *As she eliminates Viser using the power of Destruction *

Rias: Good job everyone, let's head on back and that's how my peerage works Issei.

Issei: Your peerage is strong but there are places for improvement but we can talk about that another time.

Everyone heads on home after taking down the stray

That's it for this chapter, next chapter will be the introduction of Asia and Issei heads to the Underworld to collect his Evil Pieces,  till then Cheers

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