The Return

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Elena had left 10 missed calls on Vivian's cell. But the voicemail she left her sister went along the lines of, John was attacked, Jeremy overdosed to become a vampire, and Caroline, Tyler, and Matt got into a car accident. Call me. Well not exactly like that but you get the picture. Vivian's first stop was the hospital, to check on how her friends were doing. "Matt!" Vivian saw Matt Doanvan sitting in the waiting room, chewing on his fingernails, and his eyes puffy.

"Hey, I heard about the accident. I already talked to Tyler, but how is Care doing?" "Not so good, Viv" "We were driving and Tyler heard this noise and he got...he got this migraine or something and he lost control of the car and...I thought that Caroline was fine and then she wasn't so..." The device. "Viv?" The girl turned around and saw her sister run to her as did the Bennet witch. The sisters shared a hug, "Viv, oh my gosh. Are you okay?" Elena asked pulling away. "Yeah, but Caroline I can't say the same for."

Matt interrupted the sisters, "I'm gonna go get a coffee" He half smiled before leaving the three girls."Isn't there a spell that you can do?" Elena asked the witchy friend "She doesn't know how do you?" Damon asked stepping into their conversation. Vivian rolled her eyes, "Great, just what this conversation needs, Damon" "Nice to see you too, Viv" He winked at the girl, turning the attention back on Bonnie. Damon Salvatore and Vivian Gilbert had a hate-love relationship, due to the fact he used her best friend as a blood bank. Also, the fact he caused problems left and right.

But underneath all that they both would care if either one died. Which they always try to prevent."No. No, I can't" The Bennet said to the brother. Damon then turned to the two sisters, "I can give Caroline a little bit of my blood" Elena jumped in, "Absolutely not. It's too risky" "Do it" Elena looked at her sister like she had two heads, "What?" "Elena, this is Caroline we're talking about"


"Stefan?" The girl called out into the Gilbert house. She looked around and then heard footsteps coming downstairs. "Viv?" When Salvatore got to the end of the staircase, both had embraced each other in a hug. Stefan had been worried about the girl. He had left her 5 missed calls as well "How's Jer?" Vivian asked pulling the hug apart. "He's fine, he didn't take enough pills. So the blood healed him, he's sleeping it off."

"Thank god," Vivian said running her hands through her hair. "How's Elena holding up?" He asked. She sighed, "She's fine" The sound of the front door opening had both of their attention. It was Elena. Fyi. It wasn't Elena. The girl let out a sigh at the sight of her sister, "How's Care doing?" "They still have her under observation, but she'll be fine," The Petrova girl said putting a hand over Vivian's arm, walking past her to her long-lost lover.

Vivian watched the two hug "Just what I needed" she heard Elena say. Vivian tilted her head in confusion. Something was up, Elena was acting weird. As she watched the two about to kiss, she interrupted. "Um, Elena?" The girl turned toward the girl but before the Petrova girl could think, Stefan had thrown her into the living room.

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