the perforations

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Ricky was ready for his big day today was the day he was going to propose to gina he was going to do it he wasn't going to  chicken out  he was ready they had been dating for 2 years now Gina's 19 and he is 20

He knows she's he's soul mate nobody knows you better then  gina there the raven haird boy said ricky snaped out if his thoughts and looked up at ej yea I'm good

Don't be worried ej said happily the curly headed boy shaked his head I'm not worried I'm just hoping it goes good okay sounds worried to me the raven headed boy said nudging him a little

I am not scared okay its just everything has to go good ricky said nervously have you finished your side yet
Ricky said no ej said angry why wouldn't this go in there we go and the fairly lights light up bright and beautiful
All of a sudden ricky gets a text from gina

He text gina then Ricky puts his phone in his pocket and
He turned to ej and said you almost done eej ej responded yea just need to finish the heart  they finish and ricky goes home

When he gets home he says hi to his dad and runs to his room and takes a shower he gets out and  he Dries his hair then he puts on a red flannel and black jeans he puts on White vans and some  Cologne which is Gina's favorite

He starts to feel like he is not going to do well he fells Like he's going to mess up or that he's going to drop the ring or forget what to say he feels just Horrible he starts second guessing everything he is not ready yet but he knows

She is his soulmate and that it is going to work he takes a deep breath and walks out the door he drives to Gina's house anxiously today is the day ricky he tells him self his not  going to runway

Ricky gets a text from nini he was a little shocked at first but then he read it she was coming back for a little bit this made him feel a bit wired and it got in he's head a bit but she is just his first love and his best friend nothing wrong

He is happy that she's coming back  he shakes it out he's mind and textes ej almost time he textes ej right when he pull up at Gina's house and calls her to come outside


Sorry it's so late I thought I posted it yesterday turns out I did not I hope you guys injoy next chapter will pick up when gina comes to his car (next chapter from [9-12])

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