here we go

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Ricky takes a deep breath as gina enters the car hey gi he says kisses hey cheek she giggles softly and smiles hey Mr bowen so where are you taking me to day

Oh don't worry dear he says in a funny voice gina chuckles softly and smiles can't wait handsome she says in a seductive voice as she rubs up and down he's arm ricky blushes and drives your blushing aren't you gina says am not ricky says

Most definitely you are gina says in a playfully tone
I am not okay ricky says your a Terrible Liar and I hate liars but you can't hate me he says chuckling watch me she says looking him up and down ricky throws his hands up okay okay I am lying at lest your honest

Gi the curly headed boy says yea gina says nini is coming back to to town for a bit
That's nice she says with a bit of jealously are you jealous no yes she says signing

Why's that because she was your first love your best friend and she is just so much better then me I can't help but feel insecure

First of all I love you second your literally a movie star and Third you are my everything you mean that he nods yes I do I love you more then I love skateboarding wow that's alot I love you more then I do youtube he shakes his head you and your youtube they both chuckle your such a dork ricky pulls up to the restaurant

It's so beautiful she says shocked by the beauty just like you he says he helps her put the car they hold hands as they walk in and walk to the back so no fans see them

What should we get he says not sure I think I want the salmon gosh you know I hate sea food he says she chuckles i know I guess I won't kiss you I think I will get the chicken good choice he says

the waiter comes up to them and takes there orders he comes back 5 minutes later with the food here you go enjoy

They start eating this is good gina says happily can I have some ricky says hmm have you Been good in college
Ricky looks around then no she says come pls baby no I said she rolls her eyes I love you he says I love you to

They finish eating and the waiter comes with the bill ricky pulls his wallet out and hand the waiter the credit card

He pays for the bill and they go to the car I have one more place to take you he says Enthusiastically  you do she says  yea he says he starts driving and gets close to the spot here put this on he says handing her a blind fold as so many thought go through his head he pull a little box out(its a heart shaped box with a 24k diamond) and puts in in his pocket he says and helps her out the car and walks her over to where the place and been set up and where ej was getting Turing everything on he made ej go way and took at deep breath


I hoped you guys liked it and I hope gina says yes oh wait I have control over what happened I can do whatever I want to do 😈 anyway next chapter 11-14 well hope you guys liked it sorry for the last minute post something has to be wrong with my wifi I posted this on Saturday guess I didn't i came to see hom many people saw it and it wasn't posted🤦‍♀️ bit I hope yall like it next chapter is him promising or I can just change it to where he like falls and has to re do it I have full control anyways sorry about my yapping and I hope yall like it has much as I did writing for once I didn't have writers block okay I'm just going to stop typing at post it love yall and thanks 😃

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