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Rose isn't sure if she can watch this, the titanic only sank a few weeks ago when it was the holidays, she's scared, she knows this is gonna haunt her when her lover comes on the screen

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Rose isn't sure if she can watch this, the titanic only sank a few weeks ago when it was the holidays, she's scared, she knows this is gonna haunt her when her lover comes on the screen.

The screen was black, 'my heart will go on' an old fashioned muggle song softly plays in the background before a black and white recording of the day the titanic set sail shows. People can be seen docking the bay as they wave to people up on different parts of the titanic as people waves back

a few people looked up at the ship in awe "Merlin, its so beautiful, and its muggle made" said Hermione Granger a muggleborn from besides rose, in awe, as the word 'muggle' reached Mr Weasleys ears he looked up excitedly like he was expecting to see a muggle in the room building a ship. "Perhaps, we can start using muggle ships if this is how good they are" said Arthur Weasley getting giddy over the possibility over using a muggle ship.

A few of the muggleborns looked up at the boat sadly, having heard about the titanic sinking over the holidays, and hoped whoever it was that was on the ship is okay.

whilst no one paid any notice to the greif expression on roses face.

Just underneath the surface two submarines are lowering deep into the deep artic waters to the grave site, where the ruins of the titanic rest. Soon they are shown on the surface of the ocean floor gliding towards with lights shining their was as the sound of a sonar is echoing

Alot of people gasped in horror at the wreck of the once beautiful ship they were shown earlier "Oh it was so beautiful aswell!" Lavender Brown a Gryffindor sat next to Pavarti Patil said sadly. The thought just came to everyone that someone in this room was on the ship while it sank. "That's why you don't go on ships made by mudbloods weasel" said Draco Malfoy giving a fake smirk, not wanting people to know he felt sympathetic.

Rose meanwhile, was looking at the screen sadly, remembering the way jack held her at the front of the ship, and looking at how wrecked the once beautiful Titanic felt, it made her heart feel heavy. Why did she survive and Jack couldn't? It wasn't fair. Hermione sensed her friends panic and sadness and grabbed her hand thinking Rose is probably sad because of the lives that were probably lost.

Soon a sonar is shown, with the distance between them and the titanic "thirteen meters, you should see it" a mans voice is heard.

Muffled radio is heard as the camera slowly pans up from the oven floor as the very head of the Titanic emerges from the darkness as frozen rust alongside the ship and the rails.

"I wonder how far this is in the future?" Ginny weasley, Ron's younger sister curiously asked only to be met with silence as everyone was to invested in the movie.

A man known as Brock Lovett is shown looking out one of the teb windows at the sight of the ruins of the once beautiful fantastic ship "okay take her up over the bow rails" he said to one of the crew men who was steering the submarine

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐒, wtm titanic x Harry Potter Where stories live. Discover now