4. Her fear

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Author's pov:

Karthik dragged Vridhi and pinned her to the wall . She was trembling due to fear but she still tried to be confident and not  to look weak in front of him . But all her efforts were failing miserably . With fear in her voice she asked "what do you wa..want " her words come out as whisper , she gathered some courage taking deep breath she directly looked into his eyes .

"Finally you asked Ridh what I want . I want you Ridh I Want you " Karthik said his eyes softened but he didn't realised that he was still holding her wrist tightly .

"Ahhh! It's.... it's hurting please leave me" he immediately left her wrist and started rubbing his palm on the marks of his hand on her wrist .

"Ridh I'm sorry, I didn't realised, is this hurting? Come on let me apply some antiseptic on it , it will not hurt then come with me "  he left her wrist and held her hand and started towards his room but Vridhi left his hand and stood there without saying anything she tried to left from there, as she turned Karthik pulled her by her shoulder and again pinned her to the wall this time he was holding his shoulders.

"Ridh why can't you understand I love you , in the world I just love you see now I'm a successful man all that you want , I earn enough to keep you happy for the rest of your life , I can give you anything you wished for , please Ridh come back to me , I promised I'll never let you cry " Karthik said this words to her with unknown proud in his voice .

"Karthik why can't you understand that it's over , it's over between us , its been four years and you are still not over that relationship, look Karthik I know it was difficult because that was your first relationship like me but that was not love Karthik that was just an attachment " this time Vridhi said directly looking into his eyes her eyes became teary and red .

"Ridh what are you saying, it may over from your side but it's not over for me , and it will not over for me ever , for me you are still my ridh my love " he said while cupping her cheek

"Just stop it Karthik...stop it first of all I don't have any feeling for you I don't want anything from you I happy that you achieved a good position in your life , but I suggest you to move on . " She said trying to remove his hand from her face with a little frustration in her tone

"Ridh this you can't do this with me this time I won't let you go away from me , you are only mine , and you will be only mine " Karthik said with anger this time holding her shoulders tightly

"God !! Karthik, I don't love you please try to understand, that relationship was just a mistake we were not adults than , we don't even know about our feelings, and I'm not any thing that you just came out of nowhere and start claiming on me " she tried to get out of his hold this time she was angry .

"Leave me Karthik, as I said earlier it's over so stop possessing on me "

" Why can't you say it clearly Ridh that now you have found someone else to fulfill your needs , just spill it " Karthik said while chuckling sarcastically on the other hand Vridhi looked at him like she didn't believed what he just said .

"Yes Miss Vridhi Mehra , now you found someone, say it comeon tell me it's that CEO. He is wealthier than me that's why you don't want me now, you Want someone who has much more money than me , you are just a gold digger Vridhi just a gold digger " tears which were collecting behind her eyes till now  started rolling down her cheeks just by hearing those word from him .

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