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Randheer pov:

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Randheer pov:

I was driving to the wedding venue but suddenly out of nowhere my car stopped in the middle of deserted road I checked but found no reason why it stopped suddenly. I checked my phone so that I can call someone for help but there is no signal.

' now I'm stuck here in the middle of road with no help'

I'm standing out of my car and asking for help. But it doesn't look like someone wil pass by this road any soon . I'm standing here waiting for someone so that I can ask for help but not even a single car passed by here yet. Wedding venue is still away from here so I can't even walk there .

Then I heard a sound of car coming towards my direction so I raised my hand asking for help . The car stopped in front of me i knocked on window and it slid down I looked at my car and then phone not noticing who is driving the car .I asked for help . When I don't get any response I lifted my head towards the person and for a second It feels like I was freezed on that place but I somehow managed to say

"Vridhi it's you"

"Hey , Mr Agnihotri it seems like your car gave up on Shimla's hilly roads"she replied in her sweet and soft voice with a smile and there something twisted in my stomach.

' I think I'm hungry '

She guessed I'm going to wedding and offered me to come with her I was little hesitant at first not wanting to discomfort her as I can see that she was traveling alone. But at last I gave up and grabbed my bag and started to the place where wedding was happening.
She kept on talking the entire drive.

' I think she is a little more talkative '

But not wanting to disappoint her I reacted on her every sentence.

' Randheer you always disappoint people by not giving any reaction then why do you even care for her getting disappointed' my mind said this to me

' I'm not caring for her but I can do this least for her afterall she helped me '

I was looking out of window and I can see her stealing glances at me probably thinking what I am thinking but this time she guessed it wrong.

"Mr Agnihotri we're in network now you can call someone to get your car " she thinks I'm worried about car .

"Oky " I picked my phone and tried to call my PA so that he can arrange someone to get my car but he didn't answered it . But I can't let my car in that road . So I decided to call service centre I called to main branch but they said they will make it up in 2 days so I rejected.

'Who is gonna wait for 2 days'.

I decided to wait for my PA's call back .

Author's pov:

Randheer was busy in calling someone while Vridhi was noticing his every move from side of her eyes " here you can take mechanic uncle's number his house is nearby that road he can examine your car and the least he can do is take your car to his garrage, your car will be in safe hands then " she offered her phone towards Randheer she know that it was not any normal car like any other . So it need service centre rather than er mechanic uncle .

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