Chapter 6

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Hay guys!! I'mback ffrom vacation so hear is chapter 6 hope you enjoy it!!

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“Ciral! Dad! Ruden! Where are you going? Mom… is that you…” I saw my mother in that hideous form of hers… The torn hands, burned hair and scar over her left eye…

She was taking them somewhere… I felt myself flinch of her hideous form “Cliffne’ if you ever want to see you father, sister and trainer again you should hand yourself over. You are only making it difficult for yourself! You know you will be captured, it’s useless running away! Your only 4 people against 1000! What are the odds that you could win?” her voice sounded like rocks being frown around,

“No! Let them go! They didn’t do anything, I did!” I felt myself tearing up but held my stance, “Oh but they did, they left the house just like you, and your trainer is a Sieer so actually he must be eliminated like you, but we might give him mercy if you surrender.” I heard the rage In her voice and I knew she didn’t want to argue she just wants me to surrender, “what is your problem! Why don’t you guys want people to leave their homes! It’s stuffy! Please, just let them go!” I shouted at her and she was calm as if she didn’t even notice

“That is not my decision to make little girl! I’m merely a servant of Lord Shride!” Shride? Who is that… I have never heard of someone with such a name… “Mom, please… let them go! I know you’re still in there!” one tear ran down my face but I didnt lift my hand to rub it off

“What are you talking about! Have you gone insane!” pure confusion rolled over her face as she said those words “You’re my mother! You were caught outside the house and they thought you were a Sieer! But you weren’t, so they had to eliminate you! They took away your memory and placed false lies inside your head! Please just listen to me! Come back to me… Come back to us… We miss you!” I started to run to her but she slapped me in my face… Not very hard but it made me remember that my mother is gone and this thing I’m talking to is only a shell without any life… “I think you should go to your little forest and clear your head! When you are normal again, you may come and surrender and we shall free your family and friend” She disappeared, she left me there and I had to choose… My life or my family and Ruden’s lives…


I woke up slowly from my absolutely horrible dream… Not one tear was on my face nor was I screaming… Have the things that happened so far made me that hard… I didn’t like it… I guess this happens when you only sleep once a month. I felt deserted for some reason and there was only one person I hide nothing to these days… Ruden… Maybe I should wake him… No he only sleeps once a month like me… He needs his rest, I can’t be so selfish… “Cliffne’? Are you ok?” I was startled at the sudden voice that interrupted my thoughts, I turned my head to the place where I heard the voice coming from but relaxed when I saw who it was.

“oh hay Ciral… Why are you up so late?” she rubbed her eyes as if she just  woke up, “I dont know I just woke up and felt like something was wrong so I came to check on everyone, why are you up?? is something wrong” these were the times I was happy I had a twin, “Ohhhh... i can't sleep I had a nightmare... do you think it's the twinstincs that woke you up??”

a smile slipped onto my face for a second when I thought back of my life when we were little… If I was sad she would always feel something is wrong and come and comfort me… “Yeah… I haven’t felt it for a while now… Something bad must really be bothering you… It’s almost as if you call me when something is wrong and lately you were so distant and you didn’t need me anymore but now… Cliffne’ do you need me now?” I sighed and tapped the space next to me to show her to join me, “Well to tell you the truth Ciral… I really do” I started crying before I could stop myself, i cried about everthing that happend, I cried because our lives were in danger and it is basically my fault and I cried because of all the dreams...  my sister sat even closer to me and held me tightly… Then I turned my face and started to cry on my sister’s shoulder and I realized how much pain I held in me for so long… It’s like it all came out at once on my sister’s shoulder… “It’s ok Cliffne’, it’s going to be alright, don’t worry.” She hummed a melody to calm me and when I stopped crying and when my head was clear I realized it was the melody that our mother sang to us when we were little and scared. “So” her voice shook me awake from my imagination “why don’t you tell me why you are crying so badly. Don’t tell me it’s because you’re jealous of me being around Ruden” I started to laugh with her even though I was sad… but I was glad she was trying to make the tention leave “No defiantly not, I actually think it’s funny” I could feel her grin through her body, “Ok that’s good. So what’s going on sis?” I told my sister what happened when I was captured the first time and that I saw mom in her ugly state, I also told her about my dream of Ruden killing her and father and the dream I just had… “Cliffne’ how could you keep all that a secret I would’ve exploded if I had to keep that to myself…” pure worry and concern was In her voice “But don’t worry… It was only a dream, it’s not like it actually happened… and about mom… Cliffne’ we have to go save her! She’s probably in pain every second trying to take control again!”

I didnt have to look at her hands to know that they were fists, “I know but I’m not ready yet Ciral, there’s so much I don’t know yet, so much I still have to learn.” All that happened the past month was just too much for me and it all laid on my shoulders, “And you will, like Ruden said you are a natural… I hate to admit it, but it’s true… you aim so good it’s like you have 30 years of practise and experiance… You could run as fast as lightning, punch a man across a room without breaking a sweat in one day without training and even without knowing that you could do it!”

I didnt expect such a compliment from my sister so I rose my head and widend my eyes in shock, I stared into her brown eyes, “Wow Ciral you must feel emotional to… you actually complimented me” she grinned then realized she complimented me and looked shocked, “OH MY WORD! YOU’RE RIGHT! I must be sick…” she raised one arm and felt her head to check the temperature, “Or you’re trying to help your sister… I appreciate it Ciral… Thanks for cheering me up, and thanks for listening.” She brought her arm down again and smiled at me like the sister she is, “No problem Cliffne’, now get some rest I bet you’ll be training hard tomorrow. Oh and can you do me a favour?”

I sighed but looked her in the eye’s, what would she want me to do?? I thought about it but reluctantly decided to accept the request “Sure what is it?” I said, she smiled so wide I was afraid she would grab me and eat me for breakfast, “Can you take a lot of brakes tomorrow in training I would really like to see Ruden more tomorrow! And besides you owe me”

I gave a short laugh, shook my head then looked at her again, would Ruden be mad at me if I accepted her request? I do owe her... and besides she doesn't see him so much. One day wouldn't hurt, would it? Oh well Ruden is a big boy i'm sure he can handle Ciral for at least one day “Ok, fine but only tomorrow!” I said, once the words left my lips her face lit up like a christmas tree, she squicked, hugged me then stood up,

“Thanks sis see you tomorrow sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bight, If they do hit them with a shoe, until they turn brown and blue!” That was the song my father always sang to us when we were little, until my mother disappeared… it was almost like the life was sucked out of him and it made the house so quit… I sighed, and gave her a sad smile “Night sis” I said then laid down on my bed and eventually sleep caught up with me.


“Ok so Ruden today you teach me how to answer you through my mind right? No exceptions this time?” Last time he said we should first work on my flying and it took 4 days… Then he said, ‘now we work on you making things disappear and reappear’ witch took 3 days, When I asked him 3 days later while we were practising he said ‘now we will work on you jumping in the air’ and that took 2 days. It was as if he didn’t want me to be able to answer him, which was quit weird… “No today we will work on you going through any type of metal even the pure one’s, since I know you can go through them.” I made my eyes scrunch and then I stared at him,

“No Ruden! Let’s first practise receiving and answering messages through our minds. Please! It’s my turn to choose today!” I wined, i dont care how childish I sound now, it's my turn and he's started to get on my nerves! he sighed, “Ok fine…” I looked at him and he looked so taken down and sad, “why don’t you want me to be able to answer you?” he looked up quickly and looked down again, he is hiding something, but what could he be hiding? “never mind Cliffne’ let’s just start ok” I folded my arms across my chest and raised one eyebrow, “No is there something bothering you? You seem different these past 2 weeks” he sighed again, “No it’s just… Never mind let’s begin” I started to tap my foot gently , “There’s a lot of things you still don’t know about me Ruden… And one thing is I keep secrets and anyone can tell me things…” I looked at him and almost let it go when he answered “I know Cliffne’ I promise I’ll tell you someday but not today ok?” He gave me a small smile but any clown can see it’s a fake, there’s something wrong and I want to know what but he doesn’t want to tell me yet… I wonder if he ever will. is it something that happend on our planet thats bothering him? or doesn't he think i'm ready yet? I gave up and sighed “So are you going to teach me how to answer your mind messages or not?” I smiled really wide and I must admit I was quit exited, we could talk to each other anytime in the day and no one will know. “Yes, ok I will teach you today but first I must tell you the side effects and if you think you can do it then, then I will teach you.”

Oh no... the way he said that doesn't sound good... What does he mean by side effects?? Is it bad? I can't help but wonder if it still was a good idea to learn this, but it's to late to turn back now, so what ever it is I will have to push through! and i'm deturment to have my way.


sooooo what did you guys think?? :D I really hope you liked it!

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