Chapter 10

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HAY GUYS!!!!!!!!!


I know I should have updated a week ago but our internet would't work...  :(

But it's fixed now!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy chapter 10!


I just got back from hunting when Ciral screamed at me “Cliffne’!” I turned around from my unstrung bow and looked at the shocked Ciral. “Ciral what’s wrong?” she struggled to breath and a black darkness overcame my heart… my father

I ran, I ran as fast I could, when I got there my father’s eyes were open and white… my dear father’s hazel brown eyes… was now pail white.

“Dad! What’s wrong!?” I flinched when his thin white body stirred and his head turned towards me. His voice sounded as cold as ice when he spoke… where was my father’s dreamy, full voice? Long gone by now…

“Clifffffne’” It sounded like a zombie was talking to me… “father…” my voice came out as a whisper, it didn’t even sound like my voice… “I’m dying aren’t I Cliffne’?” he smiled and there was a hint of sadness on his pail blue lips, I tried to say no and that everything was going to be fine, but the words didn’t leave my mouth… I knew he was dying, everyone knew it, so why should I lie to him about it?

“Yes father…” I went to him and took his cold hand in my own “I’ve been waiting so long for this… and it’s finally here” he said while smiling, a genuine smile that made me want to cry.

I felt Ciral’s presence behind me and heard her sniff back a tear. “you’ll be peaceful father, I know it’s what you want… but we will miss you dearly” I tear ran down my cheek but I didn’t even realize it, until it dripped onto my father’s forehead.

“Cliffne’ promise me you will take care of your Sister when I am not here anymore” a tear ran down his own face and I went in and gave him a hug like I always did when I was little… “I have no choice now do I father” he gave a short and memorable laugh “I love you Cliffne’, you and your Sister… I’ve always been proud of you and I know that your mother would be proud to. You must study and practise hard, I want you to be able to protect what is left of our little family. Be happy and don’t shed tears about me, I’ll be in a better place.”

I looked him in his white eyes and I felt his heart beat slow “Father, don’t go, don’t leave us! We need you!” I didn’t even realize I was screaming at him “Cliffne’ it happens to everyone, and besides you don’t need me anymore”

he lifted his thin arm and wiped the tears from my face. “Find your mom for me Cliffne’ and tell her I love her” I heard the longing in his voice and realized how much he loves my mother… “I promise father, I promise I will do as you say, this was my last tears. I love you Father”

I felt him smile, he breathed one last breath, closed his eyes and let his hand fall from my face… he was gone, gone from the living, gone from the pain, gone from us… But I know I will see him again one day, even though that day is far away from now.


After my Father died my sister cried on my shoulder for 4 hours before falling asleep. I kept my promise though, I didn’t cry at all after I said bye to my Father. RUden was nowhere to be seen and my sister cried like she would be able to revive our father from the buckets of tears that came out of her swelled eyes.

I laid my sister down on her own bed and took the blanket from my bed to be washed. It still had the blood stain from the arrow in my leg.

At the river I washed my blanket clean and hung it up to be dried by the sun, after I did that I checked the snares to see if I caught anything. There was a tiny bird in one of the snares but I let it go since it wouldn’t fill our bellies, all the other snares were empty.

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