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Southhamption, England, April 10th, 1996

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Southhamption, England, April 10th, 1996. It is almost noon on the sailing day, people embrace in tearful farewells, children running around, we see a renault car come to an holt, the driver scurries to open the door for a young woman dressed in an stunning white and purple outfit, with an enormous feathered hat. she is 16 years old and beautiful, regal of bearing, with peircing eyes. It is the girl from the picture rose.

"You look very beautiful" came the airy reply of luna lovegood, rose gave her a small smile, alot of people could agree, whilst snape was sneering at the scene seeing the chosen one prance around

"i don't see what any of the fuss was about, it doesn't look any bigger than the Mauretia" said rose. The 29 year old heir to the elder hockleys fortune. "Cal" is an handsome, aggronarant, Rich, beyond meaning.

"He looks like a right git" mumbled ron, making rose snicker, agreeing with him.

"you can be biase about some things rose, but not the titanic. It's over a hundred feet longger than the Maurentia, and far more luxerious,. It has squash courts, a Paristan cafe, even turkish baths!" gloated cal and turned to fives Roses aunt, Ruth is a 40ish society empress, she is a widow, and rules her household with an iron will

Snape sneered seeing the face of Ruth, he could remember her and he disliked her more than he disliked petunia, she was around 16, stuck up and a bitch in general.

"your neice is too hard to impress,Ruth" cal indicates to a puddle "mind your step"

"I thought Petunia was your aunt dearie?" molly weasley said confused, looking at the redhead whom she had grown to love like a daughter.

"I have two aunts, Mrs weasley" rose replied smiling softly at Mrs weasley

Ruth gazed at the ship "so this is the ship they say that is unsinkable?" "This ship is unsinkable, even god himself couldn't sink this ship!" Cal boasted aggronarantly with pride

"Your sure about that?" Asked Blaise Zabini from the slytherin table with raised eyebrows only to be shot some looks making him sheepishly look down muttering a 'sorry'

This entire entourage of ritch Americans is impeccably turned out, a quintessential example of the Edwardian upper class, complete with servants, Cal's vallet, Lovejoy, is a tall and impassive, dour as an undertaker. Behind him emerged two maids, personal servants to Ruth and Rose.

Rose could hardly contain her glare at seeing Lovejoy on the screen, but smiled sadly seeing Trudy, someone who she will always hold close to her heart.

Meanwhile Snape could hardly contain his sneer, of course they both had maids to their dirty work, the rich bratty chosen one has a maid who she probably orders around getting her to do her dirty work. God Snape was having second thoughts about the chosen one, if perhaps she was lily's daughter, but now all he can see is a female redhead James Potter.

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐒, wtm titanic x Harry Potter Where stories live. Discover now