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I look at my rising stocks and smile quietly knowing I've once again put my parents' money to good use. I glance at my friend and butler who is busy preparing to go out and choose some new plants for my luxurious room.

"Stay safe my Lady," she says anxiously, knowing I'm prone to getting stuck in dangerous situations. "I'll be back in a jiffy." I nod and turn back to my documents, hoping to spot another mistake my competitors have made.


I hear a resounding laughter coming from my master's room. She must be plotting The Lady's demise again. I sigh knowing that her plan will once more be foiled by that silly little butler, with her around, nothing will ever touch Lady Isobel. The doors slide open as my friend Austeja walks in shaking her head in disappointment of our master's stupidity.

"She never stops, does she?" I murmur turning to face Austeja.

"No, but maybe some day her plan will work. We just need to get rid of that pesky butler and the loyal jester. She'd put her life down for Lady Isobel any day."

The laughter finally stops and loud footsteps can be heard coming down the hall. The door opens again and our master steps into view, a sly smirk plastered on her face, and announces,

"Hahaha, I have just received information that The Butler has left the manor, now is the time to strike. But it won't be long before she returns to her Lady's side once more, so we must hasten our efforts. Prepare the pies!" As swiftly as she walked in, she left, leaving me and Austeja staring at each other apprehensively.


My plan shall not fail this time. My specially prepared pies are sure to bring about my enemy's fall. Nothing will stop me!

I continue strutting down the hall, confidence emanating through me with every step I take, and eventually reach my destination. The Garage. My shiny truck reflects my charming features and I smile.

"The pies are ready master," my minions declare dejectedly, clearly not believing my plan will work. I'll show them. I hop in the truck and ignite the engine. It roars to life and I drive off, my GPS instructing me on the turns I must make. You'd think I'd know where my arch nemesis lives, but it's a complicated drive and only The Butler knows the way off by heart. My phone vibrates and I look up to realise I had finally made it. I unload the strawberry pies and sneak into the manor. Of course, the pies don't look like strawberry pies, but delicious apple pies. I arrive in the kitchen and see a short girl with luscious blonde hair and a puffy white hat working on something at the counter.

"Hello? You are-?" I ask wondering who this is. Another obstacle perhaps?

"Hello! I'm the cook. What are you doing here?" she answers my question with another. But of course, I wasn't going to give myself away, and since she didn't seem to recognise me, I seize the chance like a hawk seizes its prey.

"I'm a friend of The Lady and I come bearing gifts. I prepared some delicious apple pies." I smile maliciously and hand her a stack of specially prepared pies. The cook nods innocently, not knowing the truth of the pies.

"I'll make sure she gets them miss. Thank you for your patronage. Have a nice day!"

"No problem." I reply, just barely masking my true intentions by turning around and walking out. Yes. My plan would surely work.

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