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Author:Hee hee xxxx

Belva and Everett stayed together on the couch until the producers told them they had to get ready for bed, so, when the brunette found Molly in the corner of the dressing room, looking like she'd been crying, she made a beeline for her, confused painted across her features.

"What happened?" Belva whispered, her voice gentle as she attempted to shield the girl from view. "Are you okay?"

Molly nodded. "I just feel a bit guilty," she revealed. "I kissed Chris on the terrace,' Belva nodded, not passing any judgement. "And, like, I'm just so confused about where my head is, and I feel like I'm leading people on, but then, I don't know what's happening in Callum's head. And I don't know, if I want to know, but then, I know that I need to know, you know what I mean?"

"I think so?" Belva replied, slightly confused. "So, you have no clue where Callum's head is at, or what he's thinking, and you know that you need to find out, but you don't know if you're ready to completely shut down and shut out the man you spent three and half years with. And then, the guilt stems from the fact that you haven't had that conversation, so things with Callum are still open, likethey are with the rest, but you don't know whether Callum and your's relationship gives him an advantage or disadvantage?"

"Exactly!" Molly said, eyes wide as the girl translated what was happening in her head into something coherent. "Why did we both have to be here?" Molly groaned, before pulling her pyjama top over her head. "C'mon, distract me. What's happening with you and Everett."

Belva smiled, "we had a little kiss earlier."
Molly cheered, "Oh my god, how was it?" She gushed, waving Georgia H over. "She kissed Everett!"

"No way!" Georgia whisper-shouted, conscious of the fact that Belva wouldn't want everyone to know right away. "Was it good?

Belva nodded, opening her wardrobe as they girls squealed. "I just like being around him," she revealed. "Like, I feel both calm and giddy with him, you know?" The two girls nodded in understanding as they all got changed, walking up the stairs together as they continued to chat about their evenings.

Belva stopped at Georgia and Everett's bed, giving the blonde a hug before settling next to Luis, the two sharing a smile before the lights went out, and they each rolled over to face away from each other.


The next morning, Belva decided to sit with Molly, Georgia H, Toby and Demi in the kitchen.

"How are you this morning, then?" Georgia asked Molly.

"Erm... I'm in a funk, guys."

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