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Hiya! Scruffy here, Thanks for checking out the rule page! Without further ado, Let's get straight to it!

I WILL Write:

Smut and some MINOR fetishes, like biting or G!P but nothing that makes me uncomfortable.



AUs like Human! AU or something like that.

I WILL NOT write:

Any type of fetish that makes me uncomfortable.

Gore of ANY kind, but blood is ok.

Male! Reader, this is a lesbian book boys. Sorry :p

Non-con of ANY kind.

No platonic, please.

(I'll add more as I think of them but for now, Go crazy.)

Reader CAN be:



Worker, AKA human again

Reader CAN'T be:

Child, but teens are alright ig.

That's it for now, Please hoard the comments with requests and a prompt bc prompts help me out a bunch. Make sure you abide by the rules and I'll have your chapter written ASAP.

-Scruffy, AKA The Author.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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