6. Thorn in Her Side

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Ah, it's nice to be back at home and back to my routine. 

It's been two weeks since I've been back from California, but I stayed for another week at my parents' lake house for Christmas. Today is Boxing Day, and I'm pleasantly surprised to see that Phoebe, my usually forgetful roommate, hasn't managed to kill any of my precious plants while I was away. 

As soon as I got home, I dashed into my bedroom to check my ten leafy babies packed tightly together on the deep and sunny window sill in my bedroom for moisture levels. They all look good. Hmm. I'm a little suspicious, actually.

Working at the little florist shop just down the street from my apartment has created a bit of a plant-collecting problem. I often can't help myself and bring home a new fern or philodendron at least every other month. 

If only I could stop spending my paychecks on stupid little things, I might actually be able to save up to buy bigger stupid things someday, like maybe a used car. I sigh; owning adult-ish, practical-type things still seems to be just out of my price range.

My stomach grumbles. It's past one o'clock, and I haven't had lunch yet. I'm about to go make myself a sandwich when Inky and Onyx jump up on the sill, eager for pets. 

"Hello, my sweets," I coo as the slinky pair of black cats vie for my fingers' attention. They skim gracefully past each other, using only a small three-inch runway in front of the pots for both of them, their thin tails caressing my arm. I'm simultaneously scratching both of them behind the ears when I feel something awkwardly bumping up against my leg.

 It's Beans.

"Oh, come here, you big lug!" Abandoning the black slinkymalinks, I pick up the orange log of a tabby cat who can't jump up on anything higher than the sofa. I scrub his cheeks, and his purr rolls out deep and grateful as he shows me his cutest, snaggly-toothed face. Onyx and Inky leap away, indignant at the loss of my full focus, and sashay out of the room. 

 As I watch them leave my room, I notice a white teddy bear holding a pink heart, the kind we sell at my work, sitting on my bed. Weird, I don't remember taking one of those home...

Thump thump thump thump.

The insistent rhythmic thumping confuses me only briefly, followed by the distinctive moan of my roommate on the other side of the wall. Unfortunately, it's not uncommon. Pheobe has a revolving door of men coming in and out of our apartment like it's Canadian Tire on Boxing Day. 

Oh wait... it IS Boxing Day. Figures.

Her favorite is delivery guys—Tim Hortons, DoorDash, Amazon, you name it. Once she sees a cute one, she orders from the place nonstop. We were eating Domino's for a week straight once. Living with her has seriously made me consider living by myself in a car sometimes, but then again, I don't have a car, and cars don't have free Wi-Fi and Netflicks, so I stay.

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